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    C o lle c tio n o f dockage charges; Mr. T. P . C ullen, Superintendent, July 18, 1913. Dear S ir : I have your l e t t e r o f the 11th i n s t . j with f i l e , and w i l l take up the questions asked by Mr. B e ll in h is severa l le t t e r s . 1 s t . As to charging dockage fo r ve ss e ls docking at wharves fo r the purpose o f being fu e le d by the Standard O il Company; the vessels not coming to the wharf, however. This situ a tio n does not seem to be covered by the Ordinance, as i t provides that dockage s h a ll be charged " f o r the use o f any wharf” , the charge being " f o r the p r iv ile g e o f making fa s t to said wharves". X assume th at the barges o f the O il Company are anchored near our Wharves, and that the vossnla are fu e le d from these barges. I question Whether we can charge dockage in th is instance, and w ill in v e s tig a te the s itu a tio n and advise you fu r th e r , 2nd. With respect to charging dockage fo r lumber vessels WhVlKer they t i e up to discharge or take on passengers. In my judgment there is no question that we must charge dockage, and, as Mr, B e ll s ta te s , the Ordinance now provides that we may charge a prop ortion ate amount o f the charges provided f o r a 24 hour p erio d , w ith a minimum charge o f 20/, 3 rd , With respect to dockage against the Banning boats: I think we are e n t it le d to charge only one dockage where the same boat docks more than once w ithin the same 24 hoitrs; and we are only e n tit le d to make prop ortion ate charge o f tw en ty-fou r hour dockage fe e s fo r the actual amount of time the vessels are t ie d at the dock, but we are e n t it le d to a minimum charge o f 20/. I f d iffe r e n t vessels belonging to the same company dock w ithin the same 24 hour p erio d , I think dockage should be charged again st each v e s s e l. 4;th. The statement above with referen ce to Banning /‘boats would apply to the p a c if ic N avigation Company's b oats, were i t not fo y the fa c t that we keep .a berth open fo r these is s e ls a t a l l times , I w ish to discuss th is fea tu re o f the Ordinance with Z'