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    The case ©f Truckee Biver General Electric Company vs* Durham, 149 Pacific 61, deals with the repeal of the old statute and the enactment of statutes permitting com*' pensation to he determined by juris?* The former practice used In Nevada suggests to me that there is nothing unconstitutional in the type of law I suggest. However, I would like to have your opinion on this question as soon as you have been able to give it consider­ation* /'? I | . * * I do not know that in the final analysis we will propose such a law but I am going to draft a proposed law for discussion purposes* If our executives decide that it is advisable "to propose such a law, I will send a draft to you for consideration* In replying to this letter, also give me the benefit of your views concerning the desirability of having the Public utilities Commission fix compensation rather than a jury and also of the probability of being able to successfully enact such a law. E. 1* Bennett V ECRjLW