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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (bcc - Mr. A. M. Polger) /I JL Mr. Leo A. McNamee, El Portal Building, Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr. McNamee; (? May 29, 1950 733^ At the request of Mr. A. D.Carlton, Manager, Traffic Department, Standard Oil Company of California, San Franoisoo, I am enclosing herewith one copy of our standard form of deed conveying to Standard a parcel of land on Bonanza Road in Las Vegas, Nevada, as described In the deed in consummation of nego­tiations with Standard for an industrial site upon which to locate a new bulk oil distributing plant. Mr. Carlton advises you will represent Standard in the transaction to be handled through the Pioneer Title Insurance & Trust Company and the purpose of this letter is to secure your preliminary approval of the form of deed as enclosed. Upon receipt of your approval of the document, we are prepared to make recommendation to Omaha for executive approval and execution of the deed. Will appreciate your early advice. Very truly yours, KB SSI 11 Sif