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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, July 2006



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Looking Towards The Future ... Friday Services jULY 2006 SUMMER EDITION TAMMUZ/AV 5766 King David Memorial Chapel Saturday Services Temple Office Friday, July 7 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, July 8 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, July 14- 6:45 pm Rosh Chodesh @ King David 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, July 1 5 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan k 11:00 am Torah Study *2:00 pm Second Saturday Talmud Study Friday, July 21 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, July 22 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, July 28 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, July 29 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study DREAMS BECOME REALITY!!! b K Candle Lighting Times July 7 7:43 pm July 14 7:40 pm ?.FT 21 7:37 pm July 28 7:32 pm aa?Summer School? Ain?t What It Used To Be! FREE SUMMER CLASSES! Thursdays "July 6 "July 20 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm at Temple Office July 6th - ?Postcards to G-d?: Writing Our Own Prayers Some Jews are uncomfortable ?talking? to G'd < What do I say? What am I supposed to do during ?silent prayer? found in our sendees? Am 1 doing it ?wrong?? During this session, we will consider the language of our individual and communal prayers and work toward becoming more comfortable with how we interact with G'd. July 13th - Should Reformjews Keep Kosher? Can how we eat be considered part of our obligation to do tikkun olam (repairing the world)? If you have never considered ?keeping Kosher? (and even if you think you are opposed to the idea), please come to this discussion regarding different reasons and ways one might ?keep Kosher? within a modern framework, including ?Traditional?? Kashrut, ?Biblical Kashrut,? and EcO' Kashrut. July 20th - Law and Order: Jews andjustice in America Using laymen?s language, your lawyer/rabbinic-student teacher will lead a discussion regarding the connection between Jewish tradition and the creation of the American justice system ... and how American Jews influence (and how we can continue to influence) the American justice system today. July 27th - Is Being ?a GoodJew? Any Different than Being ?a Good Person?? What does it really mean to be ?a good Jew?? What frameworks do we use when making decisions? I low can we re-frame our decisions to incorporate Judaism into our lives on a daily basis? This session will examine different perceptions of ?living a Jewish life? and ways that vve can make good Jewish decisions in our modern society. Your Newly-Electf.d Temple Board ^ President - Marla Letizia VP Administration -1 Tarry Sax VP Ways & Means - Michael Unger VP Youth fe Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta dacosla6@cox.nct VP Member Recruitment - Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Mar.sha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell mfendell@cox.nct Barry Lewisohn Jordie Primack Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus - Lewis Daryl Alterwitz No Email Illisa Heimann No Email Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President sparkeylv@cox.nct Megan Stolberg, NTTY Co-President Rebecca Weiss, NTTY Co-President $ Conversion Classes Begin September 11th Contact the temple office for information. Adult B?nai Mitzvah Class New Classes Begin xA7 September 11th Contact the Temple Office for RSVP for EACH class to the temple office at 733-6292 More Information! d - WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG >AHRZEITS July 14 Mollie Barasch Julyl Joseph Benisch Dorothy P. Adler Irving Berger Saul Bossak Harry Brothman Ray Davis Rose Okun Chernin Vivian Gold Harry Comer Barry Hahn Wally Cowan Abraham Herman Sylvia Daien Betty Herman Louis Demner Joseph Kahn Irving Devine VValterS. Kahn Marvin Frank Meyer Kinsler Wanda Frondorf Melvin Krauss Ernest George Joseph Krentzman Jason Giancaspro Jacob Lader David L. Glickman Lou Letizia Sylvia Goldstein Car! Lunenfeld Herman ?Hank? Greenspun Sultana Moya] Evelyn Herzog Greenstein Bernard Nathans on Masha Kahn Dorothy Oh riner Lois J. Kaplan Roberta Price Ruth Lipman Malka Santer Celestine Malchoff Samuel Schlesinger Judith Milano Anita Sernoe Frank Rodin Sonia Smoler Anne Schneider Marion Susler Norman D. Siegel David Simon Irving Waller Charles Weintraub Leo Wilner Yahrzeits - Memoriams Julvll Jnlv Carolene Acosta Bernard Adler Estelle Auslander Jayne Benedict Ruth Batchelor Joel Berger Julia Diwald Abraham Cavadlo Harriet Elman Jack Duchowny Louis Fox Jeannette Epstein Bessie Goldstein Neil Allen Fisher Herman ?Hank? Greenspun Martin Foosaner Use Jonas Michael Friedman Gerald Kaufman Arlyne Gerstler Irving Kirshbaum Yetta Gratz Dorothy Kollins Anna Greenspun Ruth Levins Ben S. Handler Robert Levy Doris Kalodner Leo Lewis Jeanne Laefer George Marco Donald Leboff Solomon Miller Alan M. Lozofsky Sylvia Plotkin Carl Meyers Michael Roth Louis Reich Herman Schoenfeld Harry Schwimmer Eva Stone Samuel Stahl James F. Stone Israel Stessel Andrew Wisnosky Isidore Tobman Samuel Winnick IN MEMORIAM: Roy Trupp, beloved father of Mirta Dreiman, beloved father'in-law of Claudio, beloved grandfather of Nicholas, Matthew and Stephanie Nation Chdddick, dear Temple member Stewart Zaflin, beloved cousin of Alan Mann Estelle Rousso, beloved sister of Jayn Marshall, beloved sister-in-law of Art, beloved aunt of Todd and Cari and beloved great -aunt of Jessica Shayna Rosenberg, beloved mother of Gary, beloved mother-in-law of Terri BerniceNadelman, beloved mother of David, beloved mother-in-law of Susan, beloved grandmother of Michael and Stefan ( July 2006 -3)Ongoing Monthly Programs JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm At the Temple Office Are you a Jewish alcoholic or chemically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Shabbat Transportation For Seniors Now Available! Transportation to the first Shabbat service of each month here at CNT for any senior citizen wanting to worship in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. Please contact Roberta Unger in the temple office 733-6292 for more information or to make arrangements for a ride. This program is coordinated by the CNT Chesed Committee through a grant from the United Jewish Community/Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. For information on the Alzheimer's Support Group please call 617-6430. '---------------------------- --------------------------------?a An Oneg Sponsorship was pledged by: June 9 - Brenda and Barry Paul, in honor of their ?Jewish? renewal of marriage vows June 23 - Eric Polis and Illisa Heimann, in honor of their Wedding July 21 - Fred Toffel, in honor of Muriel Toffel?s 90th birthday Sisterhood thanks you for your continued support. \ For an Oneg Sponsorship form, stop by the office. JFSA will once again be accepting food donations at the temple office. Please drop off your non-perishable foods during office hours. Rosh Chodesh SECOND FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH 6:45 pm at King David Memorial Chapel Join us before services as we gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Do You Get All Our Emails??? The best way for us to keep you informed of everything going on and where is via e-mail. If you're not receiving the Shabbas e-mail, Roberta doesn't have your address. Please e-mail her @ or call her at the temple office 733-6292. Don't miss out! 4 -'JULY 2006 P Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OFFICE CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY Adult Ed - Postcards to G-d 7pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 Intro to Judaism 6pm JACS 7 pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15 pm JACS 7 pm Adult Ed - Keeping Kosher? 7pm Rosh Chodesh @ King David 6:45pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Second Saturday Talmud Study 12pm 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Intro to Judaism 6pm Men?s Club Board Meeting 6pm JACS 7 pm Adult Choir 7 pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15 pm Adult Ed - Law & Order 7pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Intro to Judaism 6pm JACS 7 pm Adult Choir 7pm Beginning Hebrew 7:15 pm Adult Ed - Being a ?Good Jew? 7pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 30 31 August 1 2 3 4 5 JACS 7 pm Adult Choir 7pm Tish B?av Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am (July 2006 -5)July Birthdays 20th- Samantha Milton Mrs. Mary Socolof Mr. Andrew Urban 1st-Mrs. Deeann Emmer 10th-Mrs. Lois Bergman 21st-Rabbi Simon Bergman Joshua Pomerantz Cailene Curran Skylar Eisenhart Dr. Alan Sacks Mr. Kenneth Epstein Ariel Gale Mrs. Leslie Simon Mr. Brian Katz 22nd-Ms. Tuyet Adler 2nd-CJ Akselrad Jordan Zeitlin Mrs. Michele Fendell Allison Etcoff 11th-Matthew Hechter Mrs. Norma Friedman Mr. Gilbert Flores, Jr. Max Ingerman Sam Karasik Kurt Plotkin Michael Jacobs Laurel Rosenberg Ms. Debra Schultz Ashley Primack Mrs. Mary Zone Dr. Irwin Simon 12th-Dr. William Bossak 23rd-Guy Cohen Mr. Douglas Webb Ariel Tarbet Mrs. Dolly Farrow 3rd-Mrs. Rita Moses- Malkin Ms. Andrea Worth Mr, Bernie Matusow Ms. Cookie Olshein 13th- Madalyn Appleyard Mrs. Christina Primack 4th- Andrew Cohen Mrs. Jill Drucker 25th - Mr. Sidney Barasch Morgan Cohen Mrs. Anelia Werner Mrs. Barbara Bradfield Mrs. Diane Epstein 14th - Mr. Charles Berman Mr. Leo Schoenfeld Anna Lieberman Ms. Lori Bordman Sydney Yuman Mr. Geoffrey Schafler Mrs. Fern Chenin 26th - Mrs. Stacey Cohen Alexa Schwartz Scott Goldstein Mrs. Laura Grau Mrs. Darlene Vaturi Mrs. Eileen Kollins Sierra Rankow 5th - Nicolas Posin Mrs. Sylvia Light Mr. Michael Zone Dr. David Wikler Mrs. Maria Sanders 27th- Mrs. Arlene Cohen 6th - Aryn Michelle Bordman 15th - Mrs. Lynda French Mrs. Sondra McCall Brandon Bordman Mrs. Carla Jonas Katherine Meoz Mr. Steven Fried Mr. Gary Lieberman Macy Palbaum Mrs. Jenny Ingerman Chloe Litt Leah Wikler Mrs. Edythe Katz Yarchever 16th-Mr. Richard Bale 29th - Jeffrey Gordon Mrs. Gloria Matusow Stephen Cane Brandon Levy Jeremy Poster Shayna Pelham David Lieberman Mrs. Terri Rosenberg 17th-Mrs. Fifine Deutscher Cassandra Michelin Mrs. Sara W. Schurnan Shelby Giancaspro Mrs. Gertrude Moldave 7th - Mr. Scott Jackson Mr. David Goldstein Mrs. Harriet Smylie Noah Katz Mrs. Dena Mann Ms. Donna Willey Mr. William Mahon 18th - Matthew Anczelowitz 30th- Shoshana Arad Bryce Ober Dr. Louis Friedner Mrs. Christy Molasky Mr. Donald Zerlin Ryan Kaner Ms. Summer Rivlin 8th- Mrs. Cynthia Bailin Mr. Barry Lewisohn Mr. Michael Rodin Matthew Bulavsky Noah Yaffe 31st - Sam Akselrad Mrs. Geraldine Siletta 9th - Jacqueline Falstrom Joshua Hechter Stella Knopow 19th - Ryan Eisner Gina Gollard Joanna Rubinstein Mr. Howard Layfer TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Hillary Crowley for being named the Advancement Officer at Nevada Community Foundation. Mazel Tov to Brenda Tishk on the birth of her grandson, Taro Jacob Pustilnik, on May 25. He weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces, 19 inches long. Proud parents are Joy and David. July Anniversaries July 3 Mr. & Mrs. Scott Knox July 4 Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Schurnan July 5 Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. David Stahl July 7 Mr. Neil & 1 Ion. Sylvia Beller Mr. & Mrs. Ron Ellen July 9 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Birch Mr. Mitchell Posin & Ms. Anita Gramont July 12 Mr. & Mrs. 1 Icrman Rabinowitz Attention All Singers! High Holy Days Adult Choir July 18th ~ 7:00 pm Temple Office Everyone is Welcome! July 14 Mr. & Mrs. Morris Katz July 15 Mr. & Mrs. Blaine Benedict July 16 Dr. & Mrs. Marc J. Pomerantz July 17 Mr. & Mrs. Evan Bredlau July 20 Mr. & Mrs. Tom Letizia July 22 Dr. & Mrs. Richard Schwartz July 23 Dr. & Mrs. Roderick King July 24 Mr. & Mrs. Jay Poster July 25 Mr. & Mrs. David Shapin July 26 Dr. & Mrs. Alan Sacks July 27 Dr. & Mrs. Rick Bernstein July 28 Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sanders July 30 Major & Mrs. Mark Woodard (L WWW.LVNERJAMID.ORG D-Coming to a Neighborhood Near You King David Memorial Chapel Friday Shabbat Services Sun City Anthem Adult Ed Classes Special Programs Flamingo Library ^ Special Programs Temple Office Saturday-Minyan, Torah Study, Talmud Study Committee Meetings Adult Ed Classes Confirmation Choir Rehearsals enter Sunday Religious School Tuesday Satellite R.S. Green Valley Library Tot Shabbat Special Programs Ober Elementary School Thursday Satellite R.S. King David Memorial Chapel ~ 2697 E. Eldorado Lane, Las Vegas Temple Office ~ 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Ste. 521, Henderson Green Valley Library ~ 2797 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Henderson ~ 271 Leisure Circle, Henderson Ober Elementary ~ 3035 Desert Marigold Lane, Las Vegas Flamingo Library ~ 1401 E. Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas ( July 2006 -7)i CNT STAFF Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbak@ivnertamid. org Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Pgoldstein@lvnertamid. org Executive Director Irv Due how ny lduchowny@lvnertamid. org Director of Education Craig Rosen crosen@ivnertamid. org Program Director Roberta Unger R unger?Ivnerta mid. org Rabbi's Admin. Asst. Karen Levine K/evine?/vnertamid. org Executive Director's Asst. Lynette Solomon Lsoiomon@ ivnerta mid. org Receptionist Mary Zone Mzone@tvnertamid. org Bookkeeper Angie Coleman Acoleman@ivnertamid. org Bulletin Editor Laura Bailey CNTbulletin@cox. net Educator Emeritus Jacqueline Fleekop Phone: 702-733-6292 Fax: 702-733-8553 Congregation Ner Tamid Ten u n'xip The Reform Synagogue of Southern Nevada 2920 N. Green Valley Pkvvy, Bldg 5 Ste 521 ~ Henderson ~ NV ~ 89014 (702) 733-6292 Fax: (702) 733-8553 Non Profit Org. US POSTAGE PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. 682 ?Religious School Registration Has Begun( If you did not receive your forms, please contact the temple office. Pay in Full by July 1 and "Receive 5% off! "Registrations received after August 20 will include a 10% late penalty. Get Yours In Today!YISKOR MEMORIAL BOOK As in the years past, we will remember our beloved deceased with a special Memorial Booklet to be ^distributed on Yom Kippur. At the same time, we will be supporting the religious, educational and cultural programs of Congregation NerTamid. Please complete this form and return to the Temple office No ads will be accepted after August 15th due to printing deadlines In Loving Memory of: Deceased?s Name (s) Remembered by: This is standard inscription for the following: Line Basis $18.00 per name 1/8 page $54.00 1/4 page $90.00 Please note: 1/8 of a page is 3 name maximum 1/4 page is 6 name maximum Inscription Half Page $180.00 Full Page $240.00 Please Mail Your check or Credit Card Information ($50.00 minimum) to: f Name:_______ City, State, Zip: _ Phone Number:_ M/C Visa Amount: $ Congregation Ner Tamid 2920 N Green Valley Pkwy Ste 521 Henderson, NV 89014-0415 (702) 733-6292 Address: Amex Account # Exp Date