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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    /N^3. Description of proposed works Water will be diverted by a drilled well and distributed through a system of pumps, storage tanks and iron and/or transite pipe lines.______________________________ _________? 14. Estimated cost of works_$1Qj QQQ»------ ------------------------------ 15. Estimated time required to construct the works is___ 2_years------- Map filed July 30, 1954 Los Angeles and Salt Lake R a l n S t Compared AP-HL By /s/ Calvin M. Cory________ _ General Attorney APPROVAL_______ OF STATE ENGINEER This is to certify that I have examined the foregoing application, and do hereby grant the same, subject to the following limitations and conditions: This permit to change the point of diversion of the waters of an underground source in the Las Vegas Artesian Basin, as heretofore granted under Permit No. 1514-0, is issued subject to the terms and conditions imposed in said Permit No. 15140 and with the understanding that no other rights on the source will be affected by the change proposed herein. A meter must be installed at the tank outlet to facilitate the measurement and control of water. The State reserves the right to regulate the use of the water under this proposed change at any- and all times. The amount of water to be changed shall be limited to the amount which can be applied to beneficial use and not to exceed _____ 1.40____________ cubic feet per second. Actual construction work shall begin on or before August 16, 1955 Proof of commencement of work shall be filed before September 16, 1955 Work must be prosecuted with reasonable diligence and be completed on or before August 16, 1956 Proof of completion of work shall be filed before September 16, 1956 Application of water to beneficial use shall be made on or before______ August 16, 195^ Proof of the application of water to beneficial use must be filed with State Engineer on or before September 16, 1958 WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this 16th day of_____ February______ , 1955 HUGH A. SHAMBERGER State Engineer By EDMUND MUTH Assistant State Engineer