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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las f 2 6Vegas - May 4, 1954 Mr. Harry E. Miller, Secretary Las Vegas Valley Water District 900 South Fifth Street Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Mr. Miller; This refers to your letter of May 4, 1954, requesting advise as to whether the date of May 10, 195**# is agreeable to me for a meeting between your accountant® and the audi­tors of this Company in my office at 4ol South Second Street, Las Vegms, Nevada* Please be advised that the date of May 10, 195**# is agreeable to me and all arrangements have been made for our auditors to be present at this meeting. It has been arranged for our auditors to have all supporting data available to check the amount of |2,297,116.14 due the Las Vega© Land and Water Company as of January 31, 1954, as shown in statement attached to Mr* Bennett's letter to Mr. Thomas A. Campbell dated April 20, 1954, and also to check additional amounts to bring this statement up to the date of March 31, 1954* Will you, therefore, please arrange to have the District'© accountants thoroughly familiarize themselves with provisions of Agree­ment O.L.D* 11342 dated June 1, 1953* between the Water Company and the Dietriot and come prepared to meet with our auditors and reach an agreement a© to the amounts due this Company as of the above mentioned dates at the earliest possible moment. yours very truly, l r m :ejp ec: Mr. A. E. Stoddard Mr. Wm• Reinhardt Mr. w. R. Rous e Mr. R. M. Sutton Mr. E. E. Bennett tecc: Mr. L. V. Peart L. R. Maag