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upr000174 230


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A group of looal business men plan to construct 114 homes on a 4-0-acre tract of land on East Charleston Blvd., about one-half mile east of Huntrldge Subdivision and have made applioation to the Water Company to extend its water mains to and within their tract* This group consists of William J; Moore, Jr., Manager of the Hotel Last Frontier? Ballard Barron, Last Frontier Casino Manager; and Philip A* Shipley, operator of the Desert Spa, which is afffil­iated with the Hotel Last Frontier* The nearest transmission main is at Charles­ton 11vd. and Chapman Drive, approximately 2550 feet distant from their tract, but they are willing to advance the cost of the approach piping as well as the distribution mains within their tract. X attach hereto estimate based on last quotation from the Pipe Company to whioh we have added a contingency item to protect against price increases. Attached also is print showing the layout of their tract. As you know, the Pipe Company is now quoting us 12 months delivery on cast iron, but Shipley has been able to purchase from a local concern sufficient 8-inch pipe to reach the tract and enough 6-inch pipe to serve the first three blocks. X suggest we ask for Work Order authority to cover the entire installation, and after authority is received we can draw a contract with the subdividers to provide that they will advance the cost of labor covering approach piping and first three blocks of the subdivision, including contingency and overhead charges; and a second contract can be drawn to cover labor required for the balance of the installation. This will save issuance of two separate Work Orders. Lae Vegas - August 18, 19^8 w 23-1-51 Mr. Wm. Reinhardt! A. M. Folger