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    . . E m e r g e n c y o r d i n a n c e * ^ O r d in a n c e N o. 211 A N E M E R G E N C Y O R D I N A N C E T O P R O H I B I T T H E W A S T E O F W A T ­E R ; D E F I N I N G W A S T E O F W A T ­E R ; R E G U L A T I N G T H E U S E T H E R E O F ; L I M I T I N G T H E T I M E D U R I N G W H I C H W A T E R M A Y B E U S E D F O R S P R I N K L I N G O R I R ­R I G A T I O N , A N D P R O V I D I N G P E N A L T I E S F O R T H E V I O L A ­T I O N O F T H I S O R D I N A N C E , A N D R E P E A L I N G A L L O R D I N A N C E S I N C O N F L I C T T H E R E W I T H . The Board of Cpmmissioners of the City of L a s V egas do ordain as fo l­lows: W H E R E A S, the City of L a s V egas is threatened w ith a w ater shortage oh account of the dim inishing supply flowing from the artesian w ells in said City- and on account of th e present w aste thereof by the inh abitants of said C ity; and . W H E R E A S, the Board of City Com m issioners deem i t expedient and necessary for the protection of health, com fort, safety, life, w elfare, and prop­e rty of the inh abitants of said City to regulate the use of water^ therein and to prevent the w aste thereof, NOW, T H E R E F O R E , Section 1. W aste of w ater in the City of L a s V egas is hereby prohibited and declared unlawful. Section 2. Anyone of the following a cts shall constitute w aste of w ater, a s the, term is used in, this ordinance: (a ) P erm ittin g a hydrant, tap, cock or valve connected w ith any w ater system belonging to any public utility, to leak onto jjjpg ground or into any sink, bowl, toilet or tub connected w ith a sew er or cess-pool, a fte r the person has been notified to rem edy such leak w hether by a police officer or an officer of any public utility as h e reafter defined. ' (b) U sing w ater from any w ater system belonging to any public, utility for the purpose of cooling the roof of any building. (c) P erm ittin g w ater from any w ater system belonging to any public utility to flow, from any hose, tap, valve, hydrant, pipe or cock directly into any sew er or cess-pool for th irty m inutes or longer w ithout fir st put­tin g such w ater to a beneficial use. * Section 3. T he | use of w ater from any w ater System belonging to, any public utility for the purpose of sprinkling or irrig atin g or w atering lawns, trees, hedges, gardens or the ground, is hereby prohibited between vthe hours of 8 o’clock A. M. and 5 o’clock P. M. and betw een the hours of 8 P . M. and the following day at 5 A. M. Section 4. T he provisions of th is ordinance shall be effective a fte r its adoption and complete publication and until Septem ber .15, 1934. Section 5. T he term “P ublic U til­ity ” a s herein used shall mean and em brace all corporations, companies, individuals, associations, th eir lessees, trustees, or receivers, th a t now or m ay h ereafter own, operate or control any plant or equipment or any p art of a plant or equipment w ithin the City of L a s V egas for the production, de­livery, or furnishing for or to other persons, firm s, associations or cor­porations, p artly or wholly from an artesian well or wells, w ater for busi­ness, m anufacturing, agricultural or household use. Section 6. Any violation of th is o rd in a n ce; or any of the provisions thereof shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed F ifty ($50) D ollars or by im ­prisonm ent in the city ja il of L a s V e­gas for a period of not to exceed tw enty-fiv e (25) days, or by both such fine and im prisonm ent.' |gj . Section 7. All ordinances and p arts of ordinances in conflict w ith this or­dinance are hereby repealed. Section 8. ' T his ordinance • is de­clared and passed a s an em ergency ordinance, and shall tak e effect im ­m ediately a fte r its passage and com ­plete publication, and be effective on and a fte r A ugust 2, 1934. Section 9. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to have this ordinance published in the L a s V egas Evening R ev iew -Jou rnal a daily new s­paper published in the City . of L a s V egas for a period of two weeks, th a t is to say : once each we'ek. .1 h e re b y . certify th a t the foregoing ordinance w as read for the fir st tim e a t a special called m eeting of the Board of Comm issioners of the City of L a s V egas held on the 17th day of Ju ly . 1934, and w as passed a s an em ergency ordinance upon the second reading on said la st mentioned date, on the following vote: /Comm issioners A rn ett; r M arble, and Down and the M ayor pro tern, voting Aye. Noes, none. Approved this 17th day of Ju ly 1934. (S E A L ) W . C. G ERM A N , M ayor Pro Tern. A T T E S T : V IO LA BU R N S, City Clerk. (C IT Y SE A L )