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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. APRIL 10th, 1930. At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 10th day of April 1930 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor Hesse, Commissioners German, and Smith together with the City Attorney and Clerk. Absent Commissioners Thomas, and Hansell. Minutes of meetings of March 28th at the hours of three and seven P.M. and April 3, 4, and 7 read and approved as read. The Bond of R.H. Elser was presented to the Board for its acceptance. Same being approved by the Mayor. Said bond being in the sum of One Thousand Dollars from the National Surety Co. for R.H. Elser Plumbing Inspector. Upon motion of Commissioner German, seconded by Commissioner Smith it was moved that the said bond be accepted. Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners German, and Smith and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none. "An Ordinance regulating the business of doing electrical installation, fixture and connection work and providing for the examination of persons engaged in the same, and creating an examination board, and providing a penalty for a violation thereof," was read to the Board for a second time, and passed by the following vote: Commissioners German, and Smith, and His Honor the Mayor J.F. Hesse, voting Aye. Noes None. Said Ordinance was ordered published for a period of one week in the Las Vegas Age a tri-weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. Said Ordinance to be in full force and effect after its complete publication for one week (three issues) of said newspaper. Upon motion of Commissioner Smith seconded by Commissioner German it was moved that the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas advertise for bond bidders for the unpaid assessment in Districts No. 1 and No. 2 of the said City for street improvements. Said advertisements to be printed for four consecutive weeks, one issue per week, in the Las Vegas Age for one District, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal for the other District Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners German, and Smith, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none. The following Civil Engineers were appointed by the Board of City Commissioners to form the Board of Examination as created by Civil Engineering Ordinance No. 156 of the City of Las Vegas; J. T. Mc Williams, C.D. Baker, and Paul D. Hosman. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time the meeting recessed until Thursday the 17th day of April at the hour of three o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. APRIL 17th, 1930. At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 17th day of April 1930 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor Pro Tem Smith, Commissioners Hansell, Thomas, and German together with the City Attorney and Clerk. Absent Mayor Hesse. The gaming application of Clarence Stocker was brought before the Board. Same being approved by Police and Fire Commissioner Thomas, and the sum of $150.00 accompanying the application for license for two tables. Upon motion of Commissioner Thomas seconded by Commissioner Hansell it was moved that the application be granted. Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, German and Hansell, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith voting Aye. Noes none. A petition was presented to the Board from the plumbers of the City of Las Vegas, asking the Board to pass an ordinance requiring all persons engaged in the business of plumbing to pass and examination, and creating a Board of Examination. On motion of Commissioner Hansell seconded by Commissioner Thomas it was moved that the City Attorney work in cooperation with the plumbers of said City in drafting an Ordinance in accordance with petition presented to the Board. Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioner Thomas, German, and Hansell, and Mayor Pro Tem Smith voting Aye. Noes none. Mr. C. D. Baker was present and informed the Board that the Board of Examination created by the Civil Engineering Ordinance No. 155 of the City of Las Vegas had been organized. J. T. McWilliams was elected President and C. D. Baker Secretary of said Board. At this time the bids for the purchasing the Highway Bond #50 of the City of Las Vegas were opened. The First State Bank and the Bank of Southern Nevada being the two bids handed to the Clerk. On opening the bids the bid of the Bank of Southern Nevada was considered the best bid. Said Bid was as follows: