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I agree.UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Las Vegas, Nevada Location 7/ 2/41 7/ 3/41 7/ 4/41 7/ 5/41 7/ 6/41 7/ 7/41 7/ 8/41 7/ 9/41 7/10/41 Water W ell #6 HISTORY : 970' South and 239* West o f the Northeast corner o f Section 31, 20-61, M. D. B. &‘M. Spudded in at 7:30 P. M ., July 2, 1941; d r ille d 12' o f 17-1/2” hole D r ille d 12» to 297' o f 17-1/2" hole Ran casing to 78*31, hung up, p u lle d . Reamed hole Ran 295.811 o f 13-3/8", 48§ Lapweld, Range 1, T & C 8 V Thread casing w ith Baker cement shoe to 290.31' and cemented w ith two Perkins plugs with 220 sacks o f V ic to r M odified O il W ell Cement, none treated . Obtained excess1 retu rn s, fin a l pressure 450# Landed 15-3/8" at 290.31' and made c e lla r connections. Cleaned ou t-to 268 and mixed mud. D r ille d out shoe at 3:00 P.M. D r ille d 12-5/8" hole to 415». D r ille d 12-5/8" hole to 500'. W all scraped to 13-5/8* hole from 290.31 to 409'. W all scraped from 409 to 5 0 0 ', 13-5/8" hole Ran 243' o f 10-3/4", 40.5#, fusion w eld, Range 3, 8 V thread, T & C, casing to 4 9 7 .5 '; bottom 220' perforated w ith 60 mesh, 2* s la t s , 6" center, 16 rows. Top o f Baash-Ross adapter at 25 4.5'. C irculated water and washed lin e r . W ell commenced flow in g at 8:00 A. M. July 10, 1941.