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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    La* Vegae * Peoember 30, 1953 $ ti if 9-1-3 Mr* James 15 M* Montgomery korth Jaklend C U l f o m U bo®! Mr. ¥a. Reinhardt Peer Mr* Montgomery* Mr* s# E* Bennett I am fit Waning hereto statement headed. “Transit# 'teeter Flpe and Coupling# U*P*l8 Storehouse, lee fegae* which shows the deeerlptlon end value of transits pipe end fitting* nee held is the Railroad store aooounte et lee Vegas, ileva&a* thle transits pipe le ell new pipe, $ believe, end le being held In the Lee Vegas Store for the purpose of providing « supply of the various else# of pipe which oould he need la ease of eaergenoy. f h u pipe was purohessd primarily for use in ounneotloa with the oporation* of the Water Company In Las Vega# and le avail­able for transfer to the inventory of tho Las Vegas Lend and w&tsr Company* It la ray thought that the blstrlot oould use this pipe to advantage after they get lute operation and. this letter le being Witten you to ascertain If the Distrlst desire* to acquire any of thle material in eonneetlon with the Sale of the Water Facilities to then by the Lee V«gas Land and Water Company* infers making y e w reeoumtn&aticm to tbs hist riot, it may be that you would wish to inspect this pip# with me tho newt time you visit Las Vog&e* If all or any part of this material Is transferred to the Inventory of the Water Company, the district will asuulre ownership to It under provisions oentalnsd in the Agreement *C*L*P. H3&2 dated June 1, 1953» as provided in- Paragraph (d) ^notion 9 ..fags jflpf of eald Agreement* If the mstrtet desires to acquire this material under the