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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    I Auga 8, 1914. 403 n w t General Manager. Bear Sir: Referring to Mr. Bancroft's letter to me of the 6th, copy of which he sent you, relative to artesian well encountered near ?4alone. I return herewith the photograph and letter from Mr. Mend erf laid to Mr. Vann. wells in Las Vegas valley, while in a general way I have 'been keeping in temch with the new wells and developments there, I have I wish yon would have some one, Valter Bracken, Douglas White, or whoever is most familiar with the recent developments in Las Vegas Committee, showing the number of artesian wells now actually flowing, Relative to Mr. Bancroft's inquiry regarding artesian- the mutfber drilling, acreage under cultivation, how much if any products are being shipped out of Las Vegas. I saw in the Las Vegas paper that there would be about 15 carloads of cantaloupes moving out of Las Vegas valley this summer. enc \j> v I. Bancroft