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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. L. A. White* Las Togas - January X6t 1951 w 9-1-3 Following Is a list of purchased during the month of Dece mabaetre 1rl9a5l0e tuos beed acnredd ited and charged to HOE accounts: 14 59 H66 (kdhj —- 13*/ 4*O or*p . Cock» s, SU10»003 • l*^Curb Sto^s, H-10257 il : _3*/ 4*S t*a t*E lml#is f2 11 44814** 1-1/4 x 1* Red. His 11- x1/ 34/ 4x* 1*. Re*d ucers* 1*0?*. O.i . 1.U niUonniso ns ,3/ 4*O. G.X . I.P iPpisp s — * < r t f 36* - f§ M B - loth # Garees) 8 1.199 MATICRIAL PURCHASED 250 — l x 3/4* Std. Galv. 90° Rod. , SllS 9 .2205 $ 55*12 (American Radiator Co. Von. 592} (fleetUnes m . Bill Pd. 12/20/50) 1.6l #56.73 62 - (Oil 1w-e1l/l4 Sxu p1p*l yG aCleo.. RTeend. 6o4E lls) 9 .4123 25.56 ( m . S i U UP 28921 - pa. 12/4/50) 1.44 27.00 6 - 6* All Bon fees 9 18.82 112.92 4 - 6(*P aSooilfiido SSlteaetveess C.I.Plpe Co., You9 5867.)90 27*60 T O Frt. mil 29434 - Pd. 12/8/50 } 12.06 152.58 1-1/4 x 1 Gal. Hall. Red. Ell# 9 .76 35.66 (Beal Supply Co. Tom. #610 (u.P.Frt.mi 29558 - Fd. 12/22/50} 1.44 37*10 88