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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    i i ? r> Las Vegas land and water company C. WHlfj^EMORE, Prest., Los Angeles. Cal. OFFICES I. BETTI3tVice-Prest. and Auditor, Los Angeles, Cal. PACIFIC ELECTRIC BUILDING . H. COMSTOCK, Secretary, Los Angeles, Cal. LOS ANGELES, CAL. . H. LEETE, Treas., Los Angeles, Cal. | and LAS VEGAS, NEV. F. A. WATERS, AGT., LOS ANGELES, CAL. W. R. BRACKEN, AGT.. LAS VEGAS, NEV. Solar heater in rooming house. Dos Angeles, Gal., April 4, 1912, Mr, J.Ross Clark, Member Executive Committee, Dear Sir: Referring to our conversation before I went to Dag Vegas, on the subject of solar-heater for water in the rooming house: Mr,Bracken has had the water tank which was built by the contractor taken down and rebuilt on the roof of the house outside, and also had it re-lined in such a way that I do not think it will leak again. The lining in the old tank was nailed to the sides of the tank and then soldered, and whenever it was filled with water it would break away and leak. I do not think it will leak now, but if it does, the water will run down on the roof outside the house and into the gutters and not do any damage to plastering in the house, as before. At four o*clock yesterday afternoon the water from the solar-heater was hotter then could be used for a bath, and the day was more or less cloudy. Yours truly, Vice President & Auditor. CG-Mr.W.H,Bancroft