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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 cubic feet of water* per second fro® Well Ho, 1 located upon said land pursuant to Certificate of Appropriation bearing Application No. 7200 and Certificate Record No. 1631# Book 6, Page 1631# is­sued to Salt Lake Company, which Certificate of Appropriation was recorded May 14, 1930, in Book 1 of Water Appropriations, Pag© 76, in the office of the County Recorder of Clark County# Nevada. In consideration of the purchase price of #267#650,00 Union Pacific contemporaneously herewith is conveying to the Water Company the said land tinted in pink on said Exhibit “A”, but is excepting and reserving the said right to appropriate not to ex­ceed 2.5 cubic feet of water per second owned by Salt Lake Company and of which Union Pacific is the lessee and in possession. In consideration of the purchase price of #1,350,254.00 Union Pacific contemporaneously herewith is assigning and transfer­ring to the Water Company all of the said water production,storage and transmission facilities located upon the said land tinted in pink on said Exhibit MAW, the power, telephone and telemeter lines shown by green lines and the said pipe lines shown by red lines on said Exhibit "A". By this agreement the Railroad Companies propose to grant to the Water Company license and permission to maintain and operate the said power, telephone and telemeter lines and the said pipe lin< and certain other pipe lines owned by Water Company upon, under and across the property of the Railroad Companies. The Railroad Companies propose to rearrange and improve their water storage and distribution facilities in and around the 2.