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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, March 22, 1945 WO 3042 Mr. F. C.Paulsen: (CC - Mr. Frank Strong) AR 1945 M Referring to your le tte r March 20, f i j j , ari rela tiv e to WO 3042 which covers drilling additional artesian well No. 11 in v icin ity o f well No. 9 at Las Vegas, Nevada, and construct pipe lin e to settlin g hasln and reservoir and a by-pass lin e to booster pumps. Ae lndiosted in your le tte r , we have asked our Legal Department to prepare agreement with Morrison-Enudsen Company to excavate and back f i l l over pipe on basis o f th eir ^ $3750 to exoavate 440G-ft. of trench and to back f i l l over pipe in a lik e amount of trench, tota l $4200, chargeable to investment Account. Under date o f March 9 , Mr. Frank Strong advised that owing to a protest file d la st summer against the d r illin g o f a well in the general v icin ity o f our proposed well No. 11, Engineer advises it w ill be necessary to publish our a^ * ; ° a*lon for 30 days, then hold public hearing on both our application and the one which was protected la st year. This unexpected development may eith er create a ^elay so that even i f a d r illin g r ig and other materials are available, the well cannot be put on production in time for ^ot weather, or a d r illin g rig may not then be available, having the same r e s u lt. In view o f the above, Mr. Frank Strong made arrangements d irect with Roeooe Moss Company to swab ouJ necessary reoerforate casing in wells No. 4 ^an^dd ftpuJ?tSnvlew o f 8 , with view or increasing the water production at a to ta l estimated cost of $2000 which amount was provided for in ^ ^ ^ v ^ a ^ d o l n ^ t h i s walolrokw aanndc eh. avRe obsrcooue gMhto stsh en owp rhodavuec taio nr lSo_fa vt^e il 8JNoe. g8® 8 udp o^to 8aa ccoonL siderable amount and are now working on well No- 4 * * °rK on wells No. 4 and 8 w ill no doubt Increase ^ur p r o d u c t io n ^ ^ aider ably over that o f last summer, and i f the situatio, serious, we can always use the pump released from welK) to supplement production in one of the other w ells.