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upr000137 106


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    j-------- C lass o f Service This is a full-rate TjaWgran* or Cable­gram unless its de­ferred character Is in- \ dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre­ceding the address. S____ r WESTERN UNION 120a J O S E P H L . E G A N P R E S I D E N T J SYMBOLS V D L *= D ay 'L etter N L = N ig h t L etter « L C = D e fe r r e d C a b le . N L T = C a b le N ig h t L etter K. S h ip R a d iogram r The filing time shown in the date line on teleerams and day letters is STANDARD TIM E at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIM E at point of destination l o M l SSC392 1950 JUL 7 PM 5? i c 0*REA5 28 PD=RENO NEV 7 257P=* : ^ ' 5 '5 LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER c o f jj 401 SOUTH 2 ST LASVEGAS NEV=f§! PLEASE WIRE COLLECT YOUR HIGHEST DAILY WATER CONSUMPTION PER CAPITA REACHED THIS SUMMER^; B M M a L PIERCE SIERRA P A C IFIC POWER C0=*ns THE COMPANY W ILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE