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    Quinton Engineers, Ltd. Suite 300 816 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, lit, California Koebig and Koebig Consulting Engineers lt58 South Spring Street Los Angeles, California Francis H. Bulot Consulting Engineers I4II West 5th Street Los Angeles, 13, California J. M. Montgomery & Company, Incorporated Engineers and Contractors 306 West 3rd Street Los Angeles, 13, California Greeley & Hansen, Engineers 220 South State Chicago, Illinois Garrett and Bromsfield & Company 650 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado Ralph W. O'Neill Engineers and Consultants 302§ South Brand Boulevard Glendale, It, California C. D. Baker Civil Engineer Las Vegas, Nevada District Attorney Robert E. Jones informed the board that he had a letter from the law firm of Chapman and Cutler, a large law firm specializing in bonds, with their opinions as to the corrections necessary in the act. . Vice President Ihomas Campbell expressed that he felt the board should get some legislative corrections and revisions immediately if they were necessary. District Attorney Robert E. Jones agreed and said that he felt the board should confer very thoroughly with these attorneys and clear up all questionable phrasing in the Act. District Attorney Robert E. Jones further suggested that President Harry Miller write a letter to Senator McCarran in Washington with a view to finding out whether or not it would be possible to get Reconstruction Finance Company funds for the project. Upon a motion made by Vice President Ihomas Campbell and seconded by Director S. L. Butterfield, and carried unanimously, District Attorney Robert E. Jones was asked to write the attorneys Chapman and Cutler asking their suggested wording of the Act, etcetera, and that a fee of not more than $500*00 be provided for the firm for so doing. ftiere being no further business to come before the meeting, and by order of President Harry Miller, the meeting was recessed until the n^Kt regular meeting unless earlier convened. APPROVED xM & W u jJ!/ 'h j A lh i esident Signatures of Directors presents