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    t 1 1 l: u 12 l A 1,5 t6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 22 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 / ?t to to * »aie tm,®. ft o m iy a fte r too sal# date tn* S e ile rs ahaxi complete m$ aceotm tlnt fo r the mfrrntmm® in the purchase p rise o f the prop erfclos ro*onr«4 to lit M otion 1 of the sale ik&mwmmt to »# wm&a f©r the period frets My 1, 1954, to the sale date • pursuant to the j>W i , i t w of Sections f soft M &f | j Sale J^ e e s m t. 9pon the e-«pl©~ tloa «T said accounting by S e lle rs the M e tric * sh all prows? tiy audit the m em m o f the fe lle r s with respect to m id mmm she p a r ie s have agreed upon the M m tm n ts in tfee purchase p rice the said properties to &o sss£i«i for the period, jMy f# |c sale date, a ll of said p arties sh all give g p w ritten instru ctions ** to the vmmwT in #M«h you sh all disburse ttm Purchase price ad» MilMMUt o f totoh wm. are holding pursuant to H **w i * i «M ° r <«) of M otion XV and .pursuant to See-ion ?2 o f these instru ctions* I f the p arties are um&i* to agrw tflrttton in stru ction s to you fo r the itigTirTwaiminit o f jge&js o« sh a ll hold said fxmd u n til ordered to disburse the saw in a<5- ® tess wgm the tijm l of a court of cowpeteat JurlMl®. l<m adjudicating the righto of the Sellers and toe District to said '*** t i m W ||§1| d t m m v m the Purchase fries Mjuataeni, te *»•«*??*• #**t ^id final jtopm. & the event the par-las shall agree, or it shall * totominet * final judgment a* a " * * '"I cai^ teat J w to * i« t * » in the event the .parties hereto are ^•lo to agree, that toe f inal, purchase p rise o f too properties m rred to in tootion 1 «£ too 3olo Agmvmat $g leap than the ir e lii ary puxtoase p r i m of the Koto* goapony stall prone pm to the Metric* the difference m tm m . toe final p^w m m j 14