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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, February 16, 1942, Mr, W. R. Bracken? In connection with our efforts towards conserva­tion of water at Las Vegas, I am quoting below extract from Mr, Kipp’s letter of the 12th addressed to General Live Stock Agent Reed, Omaha? “Regarding the report of water waste, Mr. Shaw (Swift & Company) states that his manager of the stockyards received request from Mr. Edwards, representative of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, that the water be per­mitted to run during the winter months to avoid possible freezing of the pipes. This is one additional reason for the waste which we all talked about." Is it a fact that representative of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company requested the stoek yards people to permit water to run during the winter months to avoid possi­bility of freezing and do you consider such a procedure absolutely necessary?