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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-103


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    88 ZONE EXCEPTION CASE The following recommendation dated June 4, 1947 received from #29 — Mr. John J. Ewald the Planning Commission relative to Zone Exception Case No. 29: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners War Memorial Building Las Vegas, Nevada Re: Zone Exception Case No. 29 Mr. John J. Ewald Lots 9,10 and 11, Block 23 Boulder Addition Gentlemen: It is respectfully recommended that your honorable body adopt an order approving the recommendation of the Joint Plan­ning Commission, that the above petitioner be granted permission to use the rear portions of the above-mentioned lots for com­mercial use. Such lots at present are partially located in the Commercial and Residential Zone #1, as legally described in the petition for exception, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Planning Commission. This exception varies the depth of the commercial zone at this location on the easterly side of South Fifth Street at Wyoming Street, per­mitting the owners to extend the construction and occupancy of an Auto Court over the entire lots mentioned. It is further recommended that your order include the following conditions. Conditions: 1. That any buildings or structures constructed on the remainder of such lots included in the Commercial Zone, be of type 1, 2 or 3 construction, in order that such structures comply with the requirements of Fire Zone #2. 2. That any permits or licenses to operate such business be issued under the same conditions as affects similar businesses in other commercial districts in the City of Las Vegas. This petition involving property legally described therein and classified in Residence Zone #1, was presented to and reviewed by the members of the Joint Planning Commission on June 3, 1947. After consideration of all factual data before the Commission, it was determined that the exception here recom­mended under the conditions set forth, was consistent with the intent and purpose of the City Zoning Ordinance. Respectfully, LAS VEGAS--CLARK COUNTY JOINT PLANNING COMMISSION s/ C. G. Petrie Planning Engineer Thereafter Commissioner Baskin moved that the foregoing recommendation be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Whipple and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Moore. SUBDIVISIONS — The following letter dated June 4, 1947 was received from the Tentative Map Planning Commission relative to El Rancho Verde Tract; said letter El Rancho Verde Tract was ordered filed: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners War Memorial Building Las Vegas, Nevada Re: SUBDIVISIONS Tentative Map El Rancho Verde Tract Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith is a tentative Map for a proposed subdivision located in the SE 1/4, SW 1/4, Section 3, Township 21 S, Range 61 East, M.D.B.&M. This plan embraces a pproximately 33 acres of land within the City of Las V gas situated on the east aide of South Fifth Street, south of the Park Place Addition. A City map is enclosed to show the general location. On June 3, 1947, the Joint Planning Commission disapproved this tentative map and in accordance with the Law, is transmitting same to your honorable board with this report, stating the conditions under which the map would have been approved. It is the opinion and recommendation of the Planning Commission that the tentative map should be redesigned so as to accomplish primarily: