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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 7, 1949 to May 21, 1952, lvc000007-447


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    MINUTES Commissioner Bunker moved the minutes of August 15, 22, 24 and 28, be app- roved by reference and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker ORDINANCE NO. 467 An ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 36 OF THE CODE OF Traffic Amendment THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, 1949, BY ADDING A NEW SECTION ESTABLISHING AND DESIGNATING CERTAIN STREETS FOR THE USE BY TRUCKS AND COMMERCIAL VEHICLES OF A CERTAIN WEIGHT, MAKING THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE A MISDEMEANOR, AND AMENDING CHAPTER 36, SECTION 41, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, 1949, FIXING SPEED LIMITS WITHIN THE CITY, having been heretofore referred to Commissioners Jarrett and Whipple for recommendation, was re­ported on favorably by Commissioner Jarrett at this time. Thereafter the above entitled Ordinance No. 467 was read in full to the Board, and Commissioner Jarrett moved this ordinance be adopted as read. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole, and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker EMERGENCY An emergency ordinance entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ORDINANCE NO.468 LAS VEGAS, COUNTY OF CLARK, STATE OF NEVADA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING CIVIL Civil Service SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, DEFINING TERMS; PROVIDING FOR EXAMINATION; ESTABLISHING ELIGIBILITY LISTS; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENTS; PROMOTIONS; DISCIPLINARY ACTION; REPORTS AND RECORDS; CLASSI­FICATION AND PAY PLANS; AND ALL MATTERS RELATING THERETO; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE 391 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, was read in full to the Board at this time. Thereafter Commissioner Peccole moved the above entitled Emergency Ordinance No. 468 be adopted as read. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole, and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker SALARY INCREASE City Manager C. W. Shelley recommended that Henry Pobst, Engineering Aide be advanced from step number two to step number three of the pay classification. Thereafter Commissioner Bunker moved the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and Henry Pobst's salary be increased from $231.00 to $244.00 per month. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jarrett and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, hone. Absent: Mayor Baker LIQUOR STORE At this time discussion was held on a recent case in Municipal Court re- LICENSE lative to the sale of liquor to minors. Payless Liquor Thereafter Commissioner Jarrett moved the owner of the Payless Liquor Store be requested to appear before the Board of Commissioners at the next regular meeting September 19, 1951, to be prepared to show cause why his Retail Liquor License should not be revoked, because of the conviction of one of his employees in Municipal Court on September 5, 1951 of selling liquor to minors. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker RECREATION The City Manager presented a request of Recreation Director, Robert CENTER Genochio, regarding the change of the name of the Westside Recreation ... Center to Jefferson Recreation Center. Thereafter Commissioner Bunker moved the above mentioned request be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker There being no further business to come before the meeting at this time Commissioner Jarrett moved this meeting adjourn. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Jarrett, Peccole and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Baker ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor Pro Tem