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I agree.Subject: Sale o f Land to Hawkins Itand A Water Co. Las Vegas, l e v . August iltfc , 1926 SEr. C.K. Bloom, S ecretary, / ? Las Vegas Lfend fs Water Co., Los Angeles, C a l? Dear S ir : R e ferrin g to yoyr w ire E-315, o f August 9th and our conversation r e la t iv e to the same su bject yesterday, on re c e ip t o f Deed from Omaha there w ill be nothing fu rth e r to be done with same oth er than your a tte s tin g and the audit number, which would be given by the A u d ito r1s o f f i c e . W ill you k in d ly nave th is done and returned to me; the on ly fu rth e r handling would be the c o lle c tio n o f balance o f $30,000.00 and rem ittin g same to cur Treasurer. Also k in d ly see that Charles Adame’ o f f i c e is fu r* niehed with the audit number to th is Deed, T o u rs t r u l y . V ice P rep id en t'T A g e n t