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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    WPBI-250 6/26/43 9/43 WAR PRODUCTION BOARD OFFICE OF WAR UTILITIES R WASHINGTON, D. C. IN REPLY REFER TO' July 17, 1943 WPB-2832 TO THE UTILITY ADDRESSED You have received letter UL-55 from this office, which transmitted Forms UF-22, "Utilities* Excess Material Report", covering items of excess inventory which are of the quantity type. Special forms have how been prepared to cover the other excess inventory items which are of the equipment class. Attached is a sample of "Utilities* Eccess Equipment Report", which covers the specific items of equipment listed therein. Each unit of such equipment owned by you and held for sale as excess is to be individually reported in accordance with the instructions on Section I of the report. You may secure additional quantities of the forms by addressing your request to your regional office. The items of equipment now reported on these forms should include every item which can be spared, above a real "practical working minimum", including idle equipment installed in plant but which may be released. Your patriotic cooperation in reporting every possible item will be of great help to other utilities and will represent an important contribution to the war effort. The forms call for technical detail. Such data is considered necessary, on these important items of equipment, to permit your own and other utilities* engineers, as well as our regional and Washington personnel, to determine promptly whether the particular item has the required technical characteristics. The technical detail will also facilitate checking for possible substitutions. Three copies of the form will be required for War Production Board purposes. Two copies are to be submitted immediately to your regional office. They will be promperly indexed and filed to form the regional office and Washington record. The sheet entitled "Section I" will function as a transmittal sheet. The third copy is to be filed with your regional office, with an appropriate nota­tion thereon, as soon as the item has been disposed of.