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    * 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 * . # * s VEGAS LAND AND W A T E I^ p . N.L.D. 1619 CONTRACT aoo. Nor 1 0 3 6 .5 Corresp. File of THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered Into as of the 29th day May______________, 1946, by and between LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Nevada, here­inafter called "Company", Party of the First Part, and McNEIL HOUSING COMPANY* a California corporation, with place of business located at 5860 Avalon Blvd*, Los Angeles. California,,, hereinafter Sailed "Subdivider", Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH* R E C I T A L S WHEREAS, the Company Is engaged In the business of distri­buting water as a public utility, in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada; and WHEREAS, the Subdivider is engaged In subdividing a portion of the N£ of E 3/4 of Nfc, Sec. 6. T. 21S., R. 61E., MDBM, as per plat attached, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, all in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, and has made applica­tion to the Company to extend its water mains a distance of approximately 4070 feet into said Subdivision in location, and of the size as shown on attached Exhibit A, and WHEREAS, the Company is willing to make said extensions in accordance with its Rule 9A on file with the Publio Service Com­mission of the State of Nevada, approved January 16, 1940; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of making the extension applied for is ftl0.830*00* AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH* ARTICLE I Subdivider agrees* 1. To advance and pay to the Company at the time of the execution of this agreement the sum of Ten Thousand Eight Hundred thirty and no/100 Dollars ($10,830*00)• 2. At Subdivider’s sole cost and expense to survey and accurately stake upon the ground the line along which said water main is to be laid, and to indicate street and alley grades by appropriate stakes. 3* To deliver to the LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY, easements in form satisfactory to said Company for the install­ation, operation and maintenance of said lines where said pipe lines are to be laid in other than dedicated streets and alleys. £ A-io