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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \ Mr, Cilton, *2- June 23, 1909, We have decided to “build twenty five-room houses. Shore have been two blocks reserved at las Togas for this purpose. As we understand it, the blocks are 400 feet long. Shis would al­low ten houses on each side of the block, allowing forty feet to the house. We would suggest that the houses be set back from the lot line twenty-five feet. We also feel that wo can construct these houses cheaper ourselves than by contract by making the blocks ourselves at Las Yegas, we buying the lumber as cheaply as any one, and with this number of houses, we should get a pretty low price on the mill work. We would suggest that all mill work be plain, not groved or anything of that kind for dust catchers. We have decided to adopt your design Ho.l for the four- room houses, to be construotod, exterior walls six-inch concrete blocks, joints pointed, Ready Rook or similar roofing, lath and plaster partitions, lime plaster. Your estimated cost for this house without freight is #1046.26, and with freight #1048.26. It is very evident to us that you made the same error in figuring your freight on these four room houses as on the five room houses. We have decided to build twenty of this style of house, for which the ground has been reserved, and inasmuch as the blocks are 400 feet long, ten houses can be put on each side of the block by allowing forty feet to a house; and suggest that the houses be set backtwonty-five feet from the lot line which will give them a nice little front yard* Also recommend that the bath tubs be