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.shall make any and all repairs to the water line installed by authority given in this permit as soon as the need therefor arises, and shall at all times maintain said water line in good and safe condition. The doing of any work under this permit shall constitute an acceptance of the provisions hereof. Upon notification from the Department of Highways of the necessity therefore to accommodate a highway improvement, the Permittee shall adjust at its own expanse, wlthln thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, unless the emergency of the situation requires the work to be done in a shorter time to be specifically stated in said notice, or all portions and of said water line crossing or encroaching on the highway right of way at the location (or locations) specified in this revocable permit. No brush, shrubs, trees, or other flora now located within the highway right of way and/or highway planting easement, or which hereafter may be planted or grow therein, shall be out, trimmed, mutilated, removed, or disturbed in any manner whatsoever without the written consent, approval, and supervision of the Department of Highways, State of Nevada, Dated at Oars on City, Nevada, this 25th day of September. 1952. Drawn and Witnessed STATS OP HEVADA-DEPAHTMEHT OF HIGHWAYS /%/ By: Stanley D. Sundeen_____ /a/ E i JaL J. Halcomb Office Engineer s¥^t»4iig^«^^ngineer Accepted! . 19 LAS VaflAS LAND AND WATER. CO. Witnessed By: \*