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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 7, 1949 to May 21, 1952, lvc000007-176


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    NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: E.W. CRAGIN, Mayor and to WENDELL BUNKER, R.T. MOORE, WILLIAM PECCOLE, REED WHIPPLE, Commissioner:, and C.W. SHELLEY, City Manager and HOWARD W. CANNON, City Attorney of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada You and each of you will please take notice that pursuant to a call this day issued by the Mayor Pro Tem, a Special Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, will be held in the Council Chambers at the City Hall, 5th & Stewart, on the 28th day of September 1950, at the hour of 3:00 P.M. to consider the following matters: 1. Public Hearing - Amendment to Land Use Plan - Rezoning of S½ of SW¼ of SW¼ of SW¼ of Section 35, T 20 S., R 61 E., MDB&M from R-3 to C-2. 2. Public Hearing - Amendment to Land Use Plan - Rezoning of all property between Mesquite and Bonanza Road, from 2nd Street to North Main from R-l to R-4. 3. Gaming Applications for the 4-th Quarter of 1950. 4. Liquor Applications for the 4th Quarter of 1950. 5. South Main Street Lighting District - Assessment District #100-7 6. Resolution - Regular meeting days of Board of Commissioners 7. Resolutions: a) Transfer of Public Housing Project NEV-26029 to Housing Authority of the City of Las Vegas b) Housing Authority Low Rent Housing Project - Street Improvements 8. Request of Casino operators to blockade a portion of Fremont Street on Friday, September 29, 1950. s/ Shirlev Ballinger, City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE We, the undersigned Mayor, Commissioners, City Manager and City Attorney of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, do hereby admit due service of the foregoing Notice of Special Meeting: s/ Reed Whipple s/ C.W. Shelley____________ a/ Robert T. Moore____________ ______________s/ Howard W. Cannon s/ Wendell Bunker A Special meeting of the. Board of Commissioners held this 28th day of September, 1950 was called to order at the hour of 3:15 P.M. by His Honor Pro Tem Whipple with the following members present: Commissioners Bunker and Moore; City Manager C.W. Shelley and City Clerk Shirley Ballinger. Absent: Mayor Cragin, Commissioner Peccole and City Attorney Howard W. Cannon. Attthis time a group of property owners from South Main Street were present protesting the placement of the light standards on South Main Street, being installed in accordance with Assessment District |Io. 100-7. City Attorney Howard W. Cannon arrived at this time. Considerable discussion was held and thereafter Commissioner Bunker moved that when the Southern Nevada Power Company realigns or removes their high tension power line on South Main Street, the City will pay for the moving of alternate poles now proposed to be located on the east side of South Main from Charleston Boulevard to South 5th Street, to the west side of South Main Street. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moore and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore and His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Mayor Cragin and Commissioner Peccole. . This being the time heretofore set for the public hearing on the rezon- ing of the S½ of SW¼ of SW¼ of SW¼ of Section 35, T 20 S, R 61 E, MDB&M from R-3 to C-2, His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple read the notice of public hearing published in the Las Vegas Review Journal. His Honor Mayor Pro Tem Whipple then asked if there was anyone present who wished to object to the proposed rezoning of the above mentioned property. There were no objections. Thereafter Commissioner Moore moved the following resolution be accepted: WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, on motion of Com­missioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Peccole, and unanimously carried, it was deter­mined by the said Board of Commissioners to hold a public hearing on the rezoning of the following described property from R-3 (limited multiple residence) to C-2 (general commercial), to wit: SOUTH MAIN STREET LIGHTING Assessment District #100-7 AMENDMENT TO LAND USE PLAN Section 35, T 20 S