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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-52


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    go over until the next regular meeting for a second reading, the votebeing cast as follows towit:- Coughlin, aye, Stewart, aye, $$$$$$$$ aye, and von Tobel, aye, and his Honor the Mayor Peter Buol aye. At this time Frank A Clark President of the Consolidated Power and Telephone Company appeared before the Board and presented a plat of the proposed mains for the distribution of gas per section 10, Ordinance 22 of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. as appears more fully from said plat now on file in the Office of the City Clerk and ex-offico Clerk of this Board, upon motion of and seconded by Stewart and duly carried it was ordered that said plat be accepted and placed on file, the vote being cast as follows towit:- Coughlin, aye. $$$$$$$$, aye, Stewart aye, Von Tobel, aye, and his Honor the Mayor Peter Buol. aye. An ordinance governing the fire limits of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada coming on before the Board and the same being read before the Board in full it was upon motion of of Commissioner Stewart and seconded by Von Tobel ordered that said ordinance be laid over for the second reading the vote being cast as follows towit:- Coughlin, aye, $$$$$$$$$$$$, Stewart aye, Von Tobel, aye and his Honor the Mayor Peter Buol. aye. At this time the Clerk read the following before the Board. Las Vegas, Nevada, Feb.7.12. To the Hon. Board of City Commissioners Las vegas, Nevada. Dear Sirs:- At a regular meeting February 6th, of the Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas Nevada there was a resolution voted on passed and referred to the Committee of County and City Municipal affairs of which I am Chairman asking your Hon. board to pass an ordinance for the numbering of houses and buildings of this City and regulating signs over and across sidewalks. Yours truly. W.E. Hawkins. After due consideration upon the part of the Board it was upon motion duly made and carried ordered that the same be laid over until the next regular meeting of this Board. The question of an alarm system for fire in said City coming on before the Board it was upon motion duly made and carried ordered that the same be laid over until the next regular meeting of the Board. The question of a tree ordinance coming on before the Board, regarding the planting of trees in and upon the streets of the City of Las Vegas, it was ordered that the Clerk of this Board read said proposed ordinance in full to said Board, after the reading of said ordinance the question of adopting said ordinance upon the first reading coming on before Board it was upon motion of Coughlin and seconded by Stewart, it was resolved: as follows towit:- It appearing to the Board that a necessity exists for submitting the ordinance of trees to vote at this meeting upon the first reading therefore it is hereby resolved that such necessity exists and that the said ordinance be submitted for vote thereon at this meeting" the vote on said resolution being as follows towit:- Coughlin, aye, $$$$$$$$, aye, Von Tobel, aye, Stewart aye. and his Honor the Mayor Peter Buol aye, . Thereupon the said ordinance as the same appears in the ordinance book of the City of Las Vegas, to which reference is hereby made was dully adopted upon the motion of Von Tobel seconded by Stewart, and upon the following vote towit:- Stewart, aye, Coughlin, aye, Von Tobel, aye, $$$$$$$$ aye, and his Honor the Mayor Peter Buol. aye. At this time the question of allowing street Commissioner the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for work upon the street coming on before the Board it was upon motion duly made and carried that the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be allowed Street Commissioners w.J. Stewart for work upon the street and alleys of said City. The attention of the Board was called to the fact that the next regular meeting of the of the Board would be held two days after the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, Nevada, at which meeting of the Board of County Commissioners the regular levy of taxes for County and State would be made, and at which time the said Board of County Commissioners would levy taxes for the City of Las Vegas under sect. 57, of the Charter of the City of Las Vegas,