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I agree.6553 Sunset B l*v d L°a Angelos C a l i f * June 5th *17 Mr Arthur Maguire C M . i l l * L °a Angeles & S a lt Lake R . R . L °s Angeles C a l i f * I D®ar S i r ; - > 0 - ^ in re g a rd to the extension o f the 16" T it P ip e Water Line a t Las Yagas Nevada,beyond the 9000 l i n f t o f my p resen t c o n tra c t, I w i l l agreb to in s t a ll the 940 l i n f t ( approxim ately),you to fu rn is h the oonorete to be the same dim ensions,but the top o f concrete to be two f e e t (2 * ) under tie,m ak ing the d ito h about 4 f t deep .A lso I w i l l i n s t a l l the s e v e ra l Tees whiph are to go into the lin e ,b u t I am not to make any o f the eonneotions to branch li n e s . I f when p a ssin g tinder any R a ilro a d tracks i t beefimes necessary to shore tp the t r a c k ,I understood you to say that your fo rc e s would attend to th a t. I w i l l do th is work as above o u tlin e d ,fp r the sum o f 66^ (s ix t y f i v e c e n ts) p er l i n . f t . a l l m a te ria ls as in the former c o n t r a c t ,! to haul them to p o in t o f use, Tory t r u ly yours M)