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LOCATION - LQFGREEN - SO. k Byi HSHMN LQFGHEES: NOTICE Of APPROPRIATION Of WATER SATE; OCT. 2* 1S97 RECORDEDi OCT. 4, 1697,BOOK A, PASS f i | OF WATER LOCATIONS, TOOELE COUNTY. AMOUNT; ALL DESCRIPTION; flHS&M SFBXMG3 TQ WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: P lease take n o t ic e that the undersigned, d e sirin g t© ap p ropriate a l l the water flow in g from and which may h e re a fte r he caused to flow fro® th at c e r ta in sp rin gs s itu a te in T ooele County , in the State o f Utah and more p a r t ic u la r ly d escrib ed as fo llo w s ; That c e r ta in sp rin g known as the Green Springs s itu a te on or near the middle o f the west lin e o f the northwest qu arter o f S ection 32, T. 9 3 ., R. h W.,S*L.M. U.S.Survey in the County o f T ooele, Utah and claim s a l l the water now flo w in g o r which may h e re a fte r be caused to flo w from sa id sprin gs to the exten t o f fo u r cu bic fe e t per second , that i s to say that ufehe undersigned claim s fo u r cu b ic fe e t per second o f water flew from said sp rin g s. The purpose f o r which the s a id water i s claim ed i s f o r ir r ig a t io n , dom estic and cu lin a ry purposes to be used upon the g / i o f SEf s e c t io n 20 and the I . f o f ME.^ o f S e ctio n 29* 9 3 . , R. k W. The means o f d iv e r s io n o f sa id water from sa id sp rin gs t o c o n s is t o f a d itc h , IS inches wide and 12 inches deep* the date p f the a p p rop ria tion made hereunder th is the 2nd day o f Octob e r 1697. Sot ic e is fu rth e r g iv en that the undersigned h e re to fo re l a good f a i t h began work upon sa id sp rin g in d ev elop in g the water th e re o f and in co n stru ctin g a d itc h to convey same. This n o tic e is given pursuant to the requirem ents o f that c e r ta in a c t found in the c e s s io n Laws o f Utah o f 1697 Chapter 52 e n t it le d * Water R i # t s ^ Ir r ig a tio n . HERMAN L0F0RE1S Appro p r ia to r C e r tifie d and sworn to b e fo r e M. P.