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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Omaha - May I g , 1956 LA 27-10 LA 20-6-3 Mr* A* C, Sitter: Seferring to your letter of May l4, file B 115-435* submitting copy of proposed easement from LA&SL-UPBRCos. to Las Vegas Valley Water District for vater pipe line purposes at Las Vegas, Nevada. The print attached to the document shows the 1040 , foot dimension extending approximately 30 feet northerly of the area shown by yellow color* The easement area is described as extending to the north line of the northeast quarter of Section 33* but this subdivision line has not been clearly in­dicated on the print* It is also noted that the subdivision lines shown as Sec* Line" should be Sec, Lines." The arrows indicating subdivision lines should be checked to make certain they definitely point to actual land lines* It is assumed the red line indicates the border of Railroad property but is not so indicated in the legend. It appears that the water line extending westerly from the southerly end of the easement area to the puttping station an d possibly the station itself, should be included in the easement* Document is returned for your further investigation* W. G. PEEiCINS