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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, July 27, 1951 733^ MEMOHAHDUM Tot R. L. A. Regarding Work Order 4-789 covering water facilities to serve the West Side District, Las Vegas, Rev, I believe we should tell the Division to get underway on this job. In this connection, I think you will find the Division will have all kind of alibis as to why the work is not underway at the present time - none of which, in my opinion, are valid. All of the material for this job is now on the ground with the exception of the pumps and in my opinion there is no reason why the job can not go ahead. The 14—inch transits pipe was delivered in Las Vegas the first load on about June 30th and the second load about a week following that. Check with Material Vendors discloses that all of the other material with the exception of the pumps is on hand. The only work done by the Division forces on this job at the present time consists of — 1 — Surveying and setting stakes, 2 - Excavation of pit for pumps and pipe line trenches in the immediate vicinity of pump locations, 3 > Some work in connection with concrete pedestals to support pipe aeross Las Vegas Creek. You will recall that this job was supposed to have been constructed prior to the summer season of 1951 and every effort was made to expedite purchase orders for material in order to get this job started so that it could be available as early in the summer as possible. Here we are now in the latter part of July with pipe on hand for a month and practically no work accomplished. In connection with Work Order 674- which covers connections from the end of the Railroad line at Bonanza Road to the 8-inch line in NH* Street serving the Vest Side District. Would suggest that V. H. Johnson be instructed to immediately get underway with the construction of that portion of the Work Order which covers the 12 and 8-inch line in Bonanza Road from end of the railroad transmission line to the 8-inch line in *HM Street, also installation of the 8-inch check valve in existing 8-inch line near the 24—inch main, so that the Vest Side District can receive some benefit this summer without waiting for the balance of the construc­tion work authorized under Work Order 67b. I understand that all materials required for Work Order 67b are now on hand at Las Vegas. L- . AUG 3 1951 L. C . C.