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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 168. January, subject to securing a puny—the first, or teener if possible. MR. CAKROWi That is satisfactory—that the report be made on or before February 1st* MR. BEFSSTTi I an sure e© will agree if the equipment is available and can be installed, it will be as soon as possible. MR. REIHHARDTs May 1 sake a little suggestion—that we will weke a report on January 1st, and we will hare endeavored to complete our tests so that wo can bo able to give you the actual data, and that we can do if we can get delivery on the praps, but in any event, we will wake a report on January 1st, and the adefuacy of the tests will depend on our ability in getting equipment. 1 don't anticipate any difficulty in getting it because it is all standard stuff but in tines like these, it's difficult to take a firm stand on it. MR. iElUTfi And meanwhile, the case will be held open subject to our continuing our case, and you continue yours. 151. CARROW! Re objection to that. MR. A HARD* And the Commission will hold the natter in abeyance until the report is received from the utility, and it is understood that no Order will be issued by the Commission if the report is satisfactory to the Commission. However, wc also rant it understood that the Company, after its tests, and when it makes its report, that it must prove to the Commission that the supply to the residents of this community must be adequate, not only for the use of water for domestic purposes but for