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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-225


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    Commissioner Whipple moved the contract he awarded to George E. Miller Company in the amount of $5,815.00 and Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign the contract. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. GOLF COURSE SPRINKLING The Commission considered the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the Golf SYSTEM Course Sprinkling System be accepted and final payment to Longley Construction Co. in the amount of $5,048.89 be approved and the Director of Finance and City Treasurer authorized Final Payment Approved to issue the warrant. Commissioner Fountain, moved that the Golf Course Sprinkling System be approved and final payment to Longley Construction Company in the amount of $5,048.89 be approved and the Director of Finance and City Treasurer authorized to issue the warrant. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. CITY JAIL ADDITION The Commission considered the recommendation of the Engineering Department that the work Acceptance & be accepted and bond released on the contract for the Addition of the City Jail. Release of Bond Director of Public Works, R. P. Sauer, advised the Board that all deficiencies on the building have been corrected within the authority of the contract. The matter of whether or not the roof on the jail addition leaked was discussed by the Board. It was pointed out that the problem of the leak in the roof was one of design and not faulty construction, which would be the responsibility of the architect and not the contractor. Mr. Kennedy pointed out that we have a five year guarantee on the roof. Commissioner Fountain moved that the addition of the City Jail be accepted and bond released. Motions! seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT The Commission considered the matter of construction of improvements under the improvement M & G Corp. agreement by the M & G Corporation on Baltimore Avenue between the boundary of Meadows Addition and Tam Drive. Acceptance & Director of Public Works, Mr. Sauer, advised the Board that all of the improvements have been Release of Bond Completed in accordance with the agreement and recommended the work be accepted and bond released. Commissioner Bunker moved that the improvements on Baltimore Avenue Between the boundary of Meadows Addition and Tam Drive under the improvement agreement of M & G Corp. be accepted and bond released. Motions seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. RESOLUTION OF On Motion of Commissioner Bunker duly seconded by Commissioner Sharp and unanimously carried COMMENDATION the following resolution is adopted and order made: Shirley Lodwick RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION Adopted WHEREAS, SHIRLEY LODWICK did for many years serve as the City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas in an elective as well as appointive position; and WHEREAS, during her long period of service to the public as City Clerk, she was always courteous, cooperative, and helpful to all whom she came in contact with, and unselfishly gave of her time and knowledge to all who made demands upon her; and WHEREAS, her long and distinguished service as a faithful devoted public servant, during the rapid growth of the City of Las Vegas and with the numerous problems involved by such expansion, deserves public notice and recognition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of October, 1958, that the said Board by this resolution expresses its gratitude to and publicly commends Shirley Lodwick for her loyal, distinguished and devoted service as City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas for the past ten years, and Board extends its best wishes to her in any future activity she may choose to engage in. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be entered upon the official records of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a duly certified copy of this resolution be forthwith transmitted to Shirley Lodwick. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 1st day of October, 1958. RESOLUTION OF On motion of Commissioner Fountain duly seconded by Commissioner Sharp and unanimously COMMENDATION carried the following resolution is adopted and order made to be incorporated as a permanent record in the personnel file of Lt. Handlon. B. J. Handlon RESOLUTION adopted WHEREAS, Chief of Detectives, B. J. HANDLON, of the Las Vegas Police Department has for many years served the people of the City of Las Vegas as a faithful, devoted public servant; and WHEREAS, because of his quiet, unassuming way of performing his duties the effectiveness and results of his work are not generally known by the general public; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has received from time to time many communications from other law-enforcement agencies commending the work of B. J. Handlon, the most recent being from an agent of the United States Bureau of Narcotics, Treasury Department, commending B. J. Handlon for his work in a confidential narcotics investigation in Las Vegas in the spring of 1958; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has long been aware of B. J. Handlon's excellent work, and devotion to duty, and the Board feels that it deserves public notice and recognition. 10-1-58