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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr.R.E.Wells #2. require probably a week or ten days to complete this matter. The Trans-Gb nt inental Ireight Bureau is also in session here, and Mr. Gillett has asked me to remain over so that he may call upon me for any assistance,if necessary, in the solution of questions raised under the Law, The chances f. are that I will be here for some t.i#e yet. I wish you could be here as I think it is an opportunity for railroad officials to very quickly get a far more comprehensive view of the Law in the course of discussions that are being had then could other­wise be obtained. However, I have made notes of all the points raised and- the solutions suggested by the attorneys, and have also arranged to secure a complete stenographic report of the dis­cussions, This, of course, will be at your service when 1 return, and 1 believe you will find them of assistance. 1 trust that Grace is continuing on the road to recovery, and remain, • _ Sincerely yours, To. Mr. R. E. Wells, General Manager, Salt Lake Route, Los Angeles, Cal.