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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    g D U P L IC A T E IN V O IC E CENTURY 2-9035 IN A C C O U N T W IT H - M c N E I L H O U S IN G C O M P A N Y 5 8 6 0 A V A L O N B O U L E V A R D L O S A N G E L E S 3. C A L IF O R N IA Union P a cifie ft«l Iro&d Co* D ATE- Juno 29 B Y O U R O R D E R NO. d m imjL 433 West Sixth Street Los Angeles, C aliforn ia O U R JOB NO.. H-725 ! CGNSTRUCTXOH OP RESERVOIR AT LAS WGAS. HBVALA. hmmm&m B illin g Estimated Cost of Work Completed to July 1st, 1946 Less Previous Payments Balance Due #170,460.00 156.524*00 Charge w.O, Water F a c ilitie s Las Vegas Aoot 16, MEMO FOR FILE REFERENCE ONLY:, Invoice 1/16/46 " 3/9/46 « 4/5/46 * 4/30/46 fHtaiXJSISXiHaSXBKJCTBIliK Invoice 5/31/46 Total previous payments Plus this invoioe Total payments to date Total estimated cost Difference -Bal.Due * >13,961.05 29,5*5.06 22,851.57 f o ' m M 2 9 .rn .8 6 15b,324.oo l4 .rs4 .o o #170,4^.00 #24^,000.00 i 7 2 , 5 4 2 . 0 0 1 #14,154*00 ffl Form H624 3M 11-45 Dan 53242