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    CAMPBELL REALTY COMPANY m ? Sept wiser 3, 1943 LHars* WVeaglatse r LBarnda ck&e nW ater Cc L40a1s VSoiustahs , SNe ec ovnadd aStreet North Main Street 4-acre Parcel Dear Walters T h i s is to f o r m a l l y a d v i s e y o u t h a t w h i r a n d if n e g o t i a t i o n s o h THE ABOVE ARE FINALLY APPROVED B Y YOUR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE* THE DEE© SHOULD BE DRAWN TO — Ho t e l s El Ra n c h o , In c *, a N e w M e x i c o Co r p o r a t i o n QUALIFIED to DO But|HESS *« THE STATE OF NEVADA Fo l l o w i n g o u r d i s c u s s ism o n t h e m a t t e r t h i s m o r n i n g w h e n y o u SHOWED ME fwi CORRESPONDENCE AMD PLATS FROM M*-# Fr a n k STRONG, f TOOK THIS POINT1UP WITH Mr , BILL MOORE, llNERAL MANAGER OF TME f ~ * ' .......... ’ -w,. „ ^ .1 -r p *? (P 9 fW W W W v>«* f d Q WITH THE TITLE COMPANY AS SOON AS YOU NOTIFY ME THAT THE NECES­SARY DETAILS HAVE SEEM COMPLETE© AND THE PROPERTY l@ READY FOR CONVEYANCE* Fo r y o u r c o n v e n i e n c e I AM ENCLOSING a c a r b o n c o p y of t h i s l e t t e r * THINK IN® THAT YOU HAY WANT TO PASS IT ALONG TO M r , STRONG FOR RECORD AMO REFERENCE PURPOSES, TAClHM All information furnished concerning property for sale or lease has been obtained from sources deemed reliable, and is believed to be correct, but no responsibility is assumed therefor, and no warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy thereof; and the same is submitted subject to errors, omissions, changes, prior sale or lease, or withdrawal from the market without notice.