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    place. Balance of tills line fro® angle point to west line of Main Street at point M was not removed except that valve at angle point was removed and meter with valve assembly and meter box near RR Freight House was removed. X recommend that portion of pipe line between angle point west of traolc and point M at Main Street be left in place and no exception taken* (2) Flpe line A to I was removed except 60 ft. of pipe under pavement in Highway 95 * See my ts under portion of line A to K which also apply to portion of pipe left under pavement at this point. (3) Flpe line R to H.H. was not removed. Underground piping extending from 14” pipe line to site of former pumping station at HH was not removed as valve was found at surface of ground near previous loca­tion of pumps. Mr. Renshaw advised that he will arrange to have this piping and valve removed and will plug end of 14 w pip®. Exhibit A shows that 14** pipe line from R to connec­tion to pumping station at HH Is to be removed but Co. has requested District, and they have agreed, not to remove this 14* line since it will serve as e distribu­tion main to serve HR Co. Industrial development easter­ly thereof. Last paragraph of Sec. 5 page 20 states that con- 0 tractors shall be paid in full before funds held in "Relocation \ Fuad* are released from Escrow. I suggest that District be con­tacted regarding status of contract payments. Last paragraph on page 16 of Agreement See. 5 deals with depth of pips. The District submitted construction plans to RR Go. which show elevations of ground and pipe and I believe all of these plans wore approved for the RR Co. by Hr. S. L. Adamson.