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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hr. Thoa. A. Oakey 10, 1944 r bilTlhae arreea sBaodne p ragoabianbslty la that the a faot that property owner and not - - — trying to inpress on yonr tine tof rtionae t hsee rbveeg nionn rienga.l pTahrpeo speo,stal oarde yon nail u whether John galth or gill Jones ooeuples the premises as long »? It Is owned by the Buntrldge Developaent Conpany. It woald be nore to the point IT yon woald advloe us onoe eaoh aonth of atohnotseh hsoou sneos ,o haprrgeev ifouorsl wya tIen r sweoruvllode ,b e taheaot rwnaerde a gmaeiannstt tIth e Ien notuirre very f We think lire. Hssser .of your organization la doing a s job of handling the water aooounts In Huntrldge, aad ' *" » hesitancy in oonferring with her by tele-regarding payment of any aooonnt our office fora phone any tine there 1 _ ......... .. Te have no ooaplalnt regarding cooperation fron t _____ would, of oourse, assist considerably If your monthly oheok could bB r^*tved horejjrlor to the 16th of eaoh month, as on that data - • -- t^delinquency notices to all unpaid either h " " " »ntlre have already pald-t listed^in ay letter August let”itonary 6-day notloe to the looatlone aa not yet having Bade applications I. fDLSCB