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upr000070 240


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    |AS TOGAS U K Ji AS D M?£R C OMPART Supplementary ttrtunli Vo* 1 showing detoil of «aew*to expanded fas' Construction of Additions end Bsttsrwmts to iMtw Prodwtlqn Itolll-tioo daring the period 9opt«sfcor 1* 195® to January 51# 195U- to bo Midod to tho Basic Purchase Pries* In aooordeneo sAtb provisions of Sections 9(a), 9(b) end 9(c) of the Contract* vsork Order SO* Date of Completion Amount Expended wader 9(*1 9(b)___ Sootioni 9(«) Total 696 699 70S 705 706 707 10- 20-52 12-31-52 11- 5-52 12- 12-52 12-29-52 12-10-52 6 9 69U*92 $ 8 19 105*58 852*50 U 1*51*97 Ut 787*56 1 993-00 8 9 6&*82 19 105*58 852*50 U 1*51-97 1U 787-36 1 993-00 (Balmeo of detail to bo shown on final statement to bo presented at tins sale is consummated) Grand Total I 60*866*921 TflM 6 566*725*501 1*26,566