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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 7, 1949 to May 21, 1952, lvc000007-272


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LOT NAME & ADDRESS LAND & IMPR. COST OF OWNER ASSESSMENTS n½ of 15 Paris U. & E. J. Stewart $ 750. $422.47 16 509 North 8th St, City 17 Viola S. Fife 500. 281.65 1256 So 8th Street, City 18 Russell P. & Lois Thomas 500. 281.65 1137 South 3rd St., City 19 Albert Jenson 500. 281.65 525 So. 6th St., City 20 Herbert & Myrtle Gerson 500. 217.91 1240 South 8th Street, City 1,740. 21 Fred G. & Thordis Keyes, Jr. 500. 281.65 518 So Street, City 22 Perna W. Parker 500 . 217.91 City 2,375. 23 John D. & M. A. Rohay 500. 217.91 1226 South 8th St., City 2,375. BLOCK 5, VEGA VERDE TRACT NO. 2 S½ of 5 D. N. & Patti Leavitt 750. 326.87 6 304 No. 11th St., City 4,200. 7 M. T. Shorie 500 . 217.91 129 Fremont, City 3,050. 8 G. M. & M. A. Urso 500. 217.91 Box 1632, City 9 Clifford C. & A. Z. Hackman 500. 217.91 736 No. 5th St., City 10 Willard L. & D. L. Sargent 500 . 217.91 1249 So 8th St., City 2,000. 11 David & Ada Cohen 500. 281.65 132 No. 7th St., City 12 Edwin J. & L. Z. Painter 500 . 217.91 421 So. 3rd St., City 13 John W. & A. R. Holler 500 . 227.91 815 Park Paseo, City 1,575. 14 Ken. S. & Irene A. Austin 500 . 217.91 1274. So 8th St., City 1,750. 15 D. F. & M. H. Horsey 500 . 217.91 1275 So 8th St., City 1,680. 16 Spencer E. & F. L. Culbertson 500. 162.22 1279 So 8th St., City 1,680. 17 James A. & Lola E. Moss 500. 130.75 Box 1271', City 1,940. 18 C. R. "Pat" & Bernice Clark 500. 130.75 Box 631, City 2,200. 19 Mario & Allyn Evelyns Gallo 500. 130.80 819 Franklin, City 2,180. 20 Geo. P. Rasqui 500. 131.30 c/o First Nat’l Bank, City 1,850. 21 Melquiade C. & Lucille Apodaca 500. 132.77 823 Franklin, City 1,575. 22 Wilbur & Harriett A. Kelsey 500. 181.58 2278 So. 9th, City 2J375. BLOCK 7, VEGA VERDE TRACT NO. 2 14 Earl & Anita Jaramillo 500. 192.57 1028 Franklin, City 2,100. SOUTH SIDE OF FRANKLIN AVE., 6th to 9th ST. Part of SW¼,NE¼ Stanley L. & Nola Hardy 2,435. 1,068.36 Sec. 3T21,R61E 128 No. 8th St., City described as follows: Commending at the Northeast corner of Black Three (3) of Desert Park, as shown by map thereof on file, in Book 3 of Plats, page 4, In the Office of the County Recorder of Clark County, Nevada; thence south 87°35' East along the South line of Franklin Avenue (60 feet wide) a distance of 20.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing South 87°35' East along the last mentioned South line a distance of 158.68 feet to a point; thence South 1°36'30" West a distance of 127.53 feet to a point; thence North 87°35' West and parallel to the said South line of Franklin Avenue a distance of 160.23 feet to a point distant 20.00 feet from the West line of the aforementioned Block Three (3); thence North 2o18'10" East and parallel to the last mentioned West line a distance of 127.52 feet to the true point of beginning.