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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, May 14, 1929 to February 11, 1937, lvc000003-164


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    The vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, Hansell, and German, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Commissioner Smith voting no. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed until Friday the 10th day of April at he hour of three o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. APRIL 10th, 1931. Minutes of a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 1Oth day of April 1931 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor Hesse, Commissioners German, and Hansell together with the City Attor­ney and Clerk. Absent Commissioners Smith and Thomas. A letter from T.M. Carroll and Nellie C. Carroll his wife was read to the Board. This letter accompanied a deed to the City of Las Vegas for a strip of land to be used in the straightening of Chareston Drive, and ask the City to co-operate with the above mentioned parties at such time as the sub-divisions effected should be re-platted. The Clerk was dir­ected to write the interested parties, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll to the effect that the City would co-operated with them in the re-platting of said subdivisions. Attorney Alward appeared before the Board at this time in regard to the granting of a gambling license to Faxon and Moon at the Arizona Club. No action was taken on this matter. The application of a gambling license to Brown and Jones was presented to the Board. Upon motion of Commissioners Hansell seconded by Commissioner German it was moved that no action be taken on said application until all members of the Board were present. Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners Hansell, German, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none. The Clerk was directed to have Chief of Police Nash see that screens were placed in front of the Big Four Club. No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessed until Monday the 13th day of April at the hour of three o'clock P.M. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. April 13th, 1931. At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas held on the 13th day of April, 1931 at the hour of three o'clock P.M. Present Mayor Hesse, Commissioners Smith, Thomas and german, together with the City Attorney and Clerk. Absent Commissioner Hansell. At this time the Board took up the matter of having the question of the bonds for city sewers submitted on the ballot at the coming election to the electors. After some dis­cussion on motion of Commissioners Smith seconded by Commissioner Thomas the following Preambles and Resolution were duly adopted: WHEREAS, there is a pressing need for the extension of the present sewer system and the establishment of a sewerage disposal plant, and WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore had preliminary engineering work done in con­nection with the ascertainment of the the needs of the City in connection therewith and the probable cost of the same, and WHEREAS, this Board is advised by its sewerage engineer, Webster L. Benham that a bond issue of One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars or thereabouts is necessary to meet the cost and expense of the of the preliminary extension of such sewer system and the construction of an adequate unit of a disposal plant in connection therewith, and WHEREAS, a general city election is to be held on Tuesday the 5th day of May, 1931 at which the question of the issuance of bonds may be submitted,