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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 22 2 3 2 4 2 5 26 line between points marked AA and BB and bet^eea points marked FP and HH on Exhibit "A*. (d-4) those certain six-wire power lines, two-wire telephone circuits and two telemeter wire* and supportlag poles shown in broken blank and green line* 'between point* marked #0 and ff on Exhibit “A*. (d-9) t^-lneh oast iron pipe line shown in solid green line on Exhibit !!A % {d*10} All valves, fitting*, meter* and other appurtenance* of the above mentioned pipe lines. (e) All additional water production, storage, dis­tribution and t*ansmiaai©u facilities eon*trueted by the F i r s t farties, or any of thaw, or by any affiliated cor­poration, subsequent to September 1 , 1 958 , and -prior to the sale date outside of the boundaries of the land re­ferred to in paragraph (a) of this Section 1 which con­nect with any of the facilities referred to in subpara­graph (b) of this Section 1 or are extension* of or ad­ditions and betterments to the facilities referred to in subparagraph (d) of this Section 1 and which additional water facilities were constructed for the purpose of producing, storing, distributing or transmitting water for distribution by the water Company, or any successor in ownership thereof, m a public utility in the City of €»