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    Xr, llharlee M om*; Ceo~Mr, D. F, Weageri ST. U A. « M t « Up , W. 1, Grooms) Your letter Ssosaber 1 3 th, fix# 1168, regard!ng lf&# lietns# pl4t®.« for Company autoacMlesi ¥# Have tills date o b t a in s fra® the County Assessor 1949 license l&tes fo r the followings Las Yeg&s - December 15, Xfk§ # 1-4-1 @0* fa*.. ... . Sake...... u ? m Acoisnad....... 1969 l U t # . ..Soot..,. 339 Stud shaker Plekfsr-; Grsw Sepr T~ks>li r T o o m - 2 1 ford Stake Water Svs T-4966 25,20 MS-16 Podge Xssrress * a •t-696? 5.00 MS- 1 5 Chevrolet Fla.trs.oit 8 * f-4968 22. JO VW-19 Xnternatlon Express Signal LYL&S So. T-S369 f 62.70 sa—* was# Clv*vy Pickup.* LfUiH Uo. ?-n??o 1 5*00 W#«si#» a?® Chevy Stake w»—1«#'»#* i » S 4 9 7 1 22,95 Olds Sedan * 48 « | f24050 5*00 Chevy Uodsm 141 | 1 24051 fetal 1 37.95 Thatso were delivered to the parties assigned, and the remaining plates will he secured v h m the rest of the white slip# are sent to me. We are rendering bill Collectible against fPBE for the Railroad Company * a portion of costs. A, m , Folger