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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ga \ La© Vegas, Nevada, January .13, 1921. Mr. 17, H, Gome took, General Manager Salt Laic© Route, Loa Angeles, Calif. Dear Sir: I herewith return Mr, Bonner’® letter to you, with, the following information: I find that these two quarter sec­tions of land are owned by Charles Havanan, whose address is No. £09 Fojcoroft Building, Post Street, San Francloco. This lend wa© assessed to Mr. Henman-at the rat® of $11,00 an aor®, and in my. opinion is & very fair assessment. However, the deed to Mr. Houma covering this land, or the patent, has never been recorded in Olark County. This should be attended to at once if there is to be any transfer or sale of the lend, fhi land is located directly east of our holdings up to the spring, and is of a levs! formation and well within the artesian water belt, but it is very close to tho hard-pan, and for this reason would not raise very good crops. If I can give you any further detailed information regarding this kindly write me. T7KB:LB Enc;l