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363 See page 375 for CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING Las Vegas, Nevada March 17, 1949 CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Board of Commissioners held this 17th day of March, 1949 was called to order at the hour of 4:00 P.M. by His Honor Mayor E. W. Cragin with the following members present: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Moore, Whipple; Deputy City Attorney S. George Gilson and Chief Deputy City Clerk Betty Funston. Absent: City Manager J. M. Murphy, City Attorney C. Norman Cornwall and City Clerk Shirley Ballinger. EMERGENCY LOAN This being the time set for the hearing of the Resolution sent to the State Board of Finance, and there being no one present to protest the adoption of this Resolution, Commissioner Moore RESOLUTION NO. 141. moved that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, by Order of the Board of Commissioners a notice was published on the 20th day of February, 1949, in the Las Vegas Evening Review Journal a daily newspaper of general circulation printed and published in Las Vegas, in the County of Clark, State of Nevada, of the intention of the Board to Act upon a resolution reciting the character of the necessity for and authorizing a temporary emergency loan in the sum of One Hundred Sixty-three Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-eight and 6l/lOOths Dollars ($163,828.61) for the purpose of securing funds to meet certain accrued and binding indebtednesses and obligations, and necessary expenditures of the City of Las Vegas, and WHEREAS, said Board has duly met this day, the 17th day of March, 1949, for the purpose of acting upon said resolution, and WHEREAS, no other meeting for the purpose of acting upon said resolution was held by said Board within the period of fifteen days subsequent to the publication of the aforesaid notice of intention, and no action upon said resolution was held by said Board within said fifteen day period, and WHEREAS, no objections by the public, or otherwise, have been made at this meeting of the Board of Commissioners held this 17th day of March, 1949, or at any time prior thereto, to the adoption by said Board of said resolution for an emergency loan, and WHEREAS, the Budget of the City of Las Vegas for the year 1948 included an item of anticipated revenue in the sum of One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars ($120,000) which consisted of the proceeds of a proposed emergency loan to be made during said budget year, and WHEREAS, said Budget for the year 1948 was approved by the State Board of Finance of the State of Nevada, and WHEREAS, the anticipated expenditures set forth in said Budget were based upon the reasonable expectation of the full receipt of the anticipated revenues set forth in said Budget, and WHEREAS, by reason of a program of further retrenchment and more rigid economic administration of governmental operations, after the approval of the 191*8 Budget as aforesaid, it was reasonably expected that the anticipated revenues would provide sufficient funds, without the need for the aforesaid emergency loan, to meet the anticipated expenditures set forth in said Budget, and WHEREAS , by reason thereof, no action was taken for the acquisition of said sum of One Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($l20,000) by an emergency loan, and said sum was not acquired, and WHEREAS, at the end of said budget year of 1948 there developed a deficiency in the receipt of anticipated revenues to the extent of Fifty-one Thousand Three Hundred Forty- nine and Seventy-nine/100th Dollars ($5l,349.79), consisting of a deficiency of Eighteen Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-one and 18/l00ths Dollars ($18,521.18) in tax collections, and Thirty- two Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-eight and 6l/100ths Dollars ($32,828.6l) in non-tax revenues, and WHEREAS, the City of Las Vegas has incurred a necessary debt in the sum of Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000) in connection with the surrender of the lease of the Western Air Lines, Inc. covering the Municipal Airport, and the removal of tanks and gasing facilities from the Municipal Airport to the Clark County Airport, which is an accrued indebtedness and binding obligation of said City, and WHEREAS, the City of Las Vegas has incurred a further indebtedness in the sum of Seven Thousand One Hundred Eighty-one and 96/lOOths Dollars ($7,181.96) to defray the necessary construction costs over and above the sum made available therefor by bond issue for the completion of the storm drainage project of said city, which is an accrued indebtedness and binding obligation of said city, and WHEREAS, the recent unprecedented snow storms caused considerable damage to the streets and other public ways of the City of Las Vegas, creating therein conditions dangerous to vehicular and pedestrian traffic which necessitates the immediate expenditure of the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) for repairs, and WHEREAS, the anticipated revenues of the City of Las Vegas for the year 1949 are inadequate to meet the aforesaid indebtedness and obligations, and necessary expenditures, in addition to the current necessary general operating expenses, and WHEREAS, by reason of the foregoing, a great necessity and emergency exists in connection with the continued governmental operations of the City of Las Vegas, requiring the immediate acquisition of the sum of One Hundred Sixty-Three Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-eight and 6l/100ths Dollars (l63,828.6l) to defray the costs of such continued operations, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, pursuant to an Act of the legislature of the State of Nevada entitled "An Act regulating the fiscal management of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other governmental agencies,"