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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    (li. V. CITY) Valuation 1 Desorintion of Property $ 3300. Lots 1,3,3, Block 3, CLVT. 1000. Imps. 450. *37 Obey. Sedan. 1850. Lots 1,3,3,4, Block 33, CLVTt Lots 5,6,7,8, Block 32, OLvT, 24000. Imps. 400. Lots 39,30, Block 33, CLVT. 850. Imps. 400. Lots 15,16, Block 34, OLVT. 800* Imps. 1050. Lota 5,6,11,18,13,14, Block 25, Clark's LVT. 850. Imps, (on 5,6) 800. Imps, (on 11,13]) 850. Imps, (on 13,14,) 1. :fiifi 1150. Lots 9,10,11,12,37,38, Block 26, OLVT. 850. Imps, (on 9,10) 800. Imps, (on 11,13]> 800. Imps, (on 27,28,) I 39,300. Rate #5.00 Taxes $1960.00 I 13,635, 350. 13,398. ( C i t y lil.m HW|r Sao 36. Twp 30, Rang# 61 (lass OT|- HWi) (ISO acres)j 8g NEfs HW|- NEi? S|r (except 5 aerie as per Book 19 of Deeda, Pages 4?8»*©) all In SootIon 36, Top 30, Rang© 61, IPmapr©t* Si See 37, Twp 30, Rang©” 61 (,133.35 ao.) Part Sj SEt leas Highway (11.83 ao.) Sec 37, Twp 30, Hang© 61. | 37,373, Rate #5.00 Taxes #1363.65 (L. V. CITY) 1115 ,000. later Department as assessed by N.T.C, Ills,000. Rate #5,00 Taxes #5,750.00 (L. Y. SCHOOL DISTRICT) | 3340. SE£j H|Slth 8W£ M i Seo. 35 T. 30 R. 61. (380 acres). | 2240. Rate $3.83 Taxes $85.79