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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    k Deo. 29, 1919. 59-Jf Mr. J. D. Farrell, Coronad©-^ Calif. Dear Sirs- On December 27th I mailed yen copy of reply from Senator Clark to my wire of Dee* 24th In regard to repairs to water pipe line at Das Yagas, and n|Sf tt *v>py of ay tel® gnus to Mr. Calvin with further reference to that subject. I m today in receipt of a telegram from Mr* Calvin which reads: "Your wire December 27th about renewing a port!cm of the pipe line at las Yogas- In view of the existing conditions ami recognition of corpora­tion of its obligation under Paragraph B, Section 5, I have directed that this work be proceeded with* 0-718*" fhe necessity for immediate action in this matter is urgent, and I am, therefore, taking* the .matter up locally-also, insisting upon the work being rushed* Yours very truly, 0G-W*A*C*