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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, April 2, 1942/ ISa w Mr* Frank Strong: 20-334 W a s 7- _*-$ : ' ^cJp4' y\. • rf> •." <j a With reference to Mr, J„ T, Beem’s letter to |§|J|j+-~: Division Engineer Mack under date of March 20th relative tents and various facilities which the Special Agents desire to have installed at the reservoir and in vicinity of the settling basin, **as Vegas: The tents have been installed, we have requisitioned the garden hose and are arranging to make a tap in the pipe line to furnish the water. I furnished you the estimate covering the telephone service under date of April 1st. The estimate for the lights in the tents and for the hand-operated rotating flood light on top of water storage tank is as follows: Estimate to install lights in 5 tents and power service for same, water facilities, has Vegas*__________.____ Description Conduit & wire Poles Transformer, line wire & Hdwe. Labor $ 30*00 40*00 30*00 $100.00 Material $ 30*00 . .40 *00 80*00 $150*00 Total $ 60*00 _ 80.00 110*00 f 250.00 Estimate to install hand-operated rotating flood light on top of water tank, Las Vegas.________________________________ Flood lights Supporting structure Transformer & wire 30.00 30.00 30*00 90*00 $175.00 30.00 60*00 $265.00 $205(.OP 60 Loo. 90100 $355.00 You will note that these items are rather expensive and wish you would advise further as to whether it is desired they be installed. H. H. La cc - Mr. W. H. Guild W.H.J. APR 3 1942